sometimes i like that a lot of my work is typical enterprise stuff. nothing gets to prod without some poor soul working through a huge test catalogue on a seperate environment and/or a higher up signs off on it.
it’s also annoying because, you cant “just ship” a small fix or change without someone signing off on it.
I just had to deal with a situation where someone planned to go live with something on Monday, but was refusing to make a small change to make it work on Friday.
I feel this.
It’s cute how these memes act like weekends are a thing.
You need to make the weekend a thing. Maybe I’m too European, but when I’m not on call, my workphone is off.
Yeah and after work hours. My work phone goes into silent mode every day 17.00 until 7.00 the next day with the schedule I set.
As a non European working for a European company, it is an interesting experience with non work times. The laws around working more than 8 hours a day are incredibly strict, and the company and all the managers will never ask or expect an employee to work more than the 8 hours. Even if you are on call and end up having to work, you have to then take time off during the week to “make up” for the time you worked while on call.
Yet I’ll be on call over a weekend trying to fix a problem at 2am, and my colleagues who aren’t on call just drop in to help because they saw the alert and felt like helping out.
It is like people want to actually positively contribute to the well being of the company when they are able to, because the company doesn’t try to drain every bit of will to live from their employees and respects that they are real people with lives.
I can’t handle not clocking off. I work from home and like to use the same devices/apps, but everything switches to personal focus mode outside of work hours so I won’t see work stuff.
That’s my secret, I’m always deploying to prod.
Continuous Deployment Man away!
I find deploying on Friday more relaxing because if something goes wrong then I have no drama mongers surrounding me demanding updates and shit.
Never on Friday. We made Monday or Tuesday our release day