“Karen” has long since transcended past race and gender. I don’t care what you look like, it’s the attitude and the way you treat people that makes one a Karen.
You don’t have to be a white woman to have main character syndrome and act entitled to everything, treating people like dirt if you don’t get your way and climbing up the customer service ladder until you do, trying to get the people on the lower rungs fired because they told you no.
Or call the cops on someone in a park because you thought they were too loud with their skateboard. Or drop to the ground and scream “a [color] person is attacking me!” when you don’t like them walking their dog down the trail. Etc.
“Karen” has long since transcended past race and gender. I don’t care what you look like, it’s the attitude and the way you treat people that makes one a Karen.
You don’t have to be a white woman to have main character syndrome and act entitled to everything, treating people like dirt if you don’t get your way and climbing up the customer service ladder until you do, trying to get the people on the lower rungs fired because they told you no.
Or call the cops on someone in a park because you thought they were too loud with their skateboard. Or drop to the ground and scream “a [color] person is attacking me!” when you don’t like them walking their dog down the trail. Etc.