ROFL I wasn’t even surprised, honestly was keeping up with the news to see when the big story about the fraud that this firm engaged in. Almost everything that man has something to do with this sketchy as fuck!
I don’t want to fully paint every company in a corrupt light (some might be on the up and up, but an employee or two may be scummy AF). It would be inept of said company to not notice their employees colluding with Trump, but not necessarily intentionally corrupt. I’m a weird ass cynic with idealistic tendencies, make of that what you will.
Comrade. I’m also in that cynic boat. Glad we’re here chilling.
This is the guy who couldn’t even be bothered to spell his own name correctly, after all. I don’t get the sense that he’s going over anything with a fine-toothed comb on the best of days.
Public companies that have hired BF Borgers will need to find new accounting firms, the SEC alerted companies in a separate statement on Friday.
Trump Media announced plans to do just that.
“Trump Media looks forward to working with new auditing partners in accordance with today’s SEC order,” Trump Media spokesperson Shannon Devine told CNN in a statement.
And audit of their firm from a legitimate company is going to be interesting. Surely they didn’t pick hire these sham auditors to help them hide stuff…
I’m thinking most of the fraud happening is on the open market with DJT Media now.
I gotta imagine that thing will dump before Trump’s shares get out of lock up. If not, we’ll see Trump himself will do the dumping I think as soon as he can sell.
I have faith that the Russians or Saudis or some rich rwnj will buy shares in order to bribe trump.
I’m pretty sure that they have already been buying shares to prop it up.
“Massive fraud”. “Only the best fraud”.
Very bigly fraud.
“You’ve never seen fraud like this in this country.”
Where is I guess I’ll have to be the change I want to see.
Damn it, you take one nap…
Ah. King of chat boards. How ya doin?
The big man?
The company has hired the best available lawyer they could find.
Wow.l! Something associated with Trump isn’t on the up and up?
If a company willingly involves itself with Trump then that action might be a great reason to investigate them for crimes.
It’s always the ones you’d most expect
At this point, did they allow Trump to launch the ipo to catch him in future crimes? No idea why they would buy off considering how many people are getting charged.
Par for the course
What else would you expect from Trump?