Part of the problem is they apply Japanese copyright law to an international level. Wouod be cool if they hit the wrong target, got sued for trying to apply their laws to the world stage, and got matched each time they appealed until their war chest got drained dry
In Japan, there is no concept of “Fair Use”, it’s why they don’t have a modding scene and why Japanese devs actively fight against people trying to mod their games. Nintendo uses DMCA on things that are clearly fair use (Parodies like SML, Nintendo themed mods on Garry’s Mod), and people cave solely because they can’t afford to go to court.
It’s also literally a criminal offense to modify Pokemon data because tournaments in that scene are taken that seriously.
Part of the problem is they apply Japanese copyright law to an international level. Wouod be cool if they hit the wrong target, got sued for trying to apply their laws to the world stage, and got matched each time they appealed until their war chest got drained dry
What Japanese copyright law? They sued Yuzu in a US court.
In terms of their mentality, I mean
The DMCA is a US law, so I don’t see how you can say they’re using Japanese law.
In Japan, there is no concept of “Fair Use”, it’s why they don’t have a modding scene and why Japanese devs actively fight against people trying to mod their games. Nintendo uses DMCA on things that are clearly fair use (Parodies like SML, Nintendo themed mods on Garry’s Mod), and people cave solely because they can’t afford to go to court.
It’s also literally a criminal offense to modify Pokemon data because tournaments in that scene are taken that seriously.
In terms of their mentality, I mean