Who are the heroes of our time? Who is driving us to a better future? And who is inspiring and guiding us?
Anything goes: famous people, people in your own life, fictional people who represent something to your culture, groups of people working behind the scenes etc.
The only rule is they must be current.
Raymond Hill, the uBlock Origin guy
That’s the real hero
I’ll also throw VLC guy in there too
Open source software maintainers, thanklessly (and often without pay) maintaining infrastructure without which the global economy would collapse immediately
I second this, big time.
Any garbage man that picks up my trash. Any sanitation engineer that cleans my sewage.
Anyone who is still doing the right thing and not in it for money or themselves. Which is fucking rare as shit these days.
Making a living and doing this is hard mode.
Plenty of people do a lot of good out there taking care of others. They are just not seen because of the narcissists in the spotlight.
Eh, nothing wrong with making a living and still doing the right thing. Doing the right thing is right regardless of your motives.
EMS ; chronically underpaid and overstressed.
When a cop complains about the terrible things they see on their job, they are talking about the stuff the saw watching EMS work.
This. “Overstressed” doesn’t begin to cover it. It’s an unimaginably stressful job even when things are going right.
Under appreciated movie from the 1980s, “Repo Man.”
Harry Dean Stanton tells Emilio Estevez “I hate normal people. Normal people spend their whole damn lives trying to avoid tense situations. Repo man spends his whole life putting himself into tense situations.”
Well, I do have a PTSD diagnosis… but, still on the road. Love it!
The transgender population, especially transgender youth. If one group’s rights can be stripped away, then any group’s can. They are the front line soldiers against the spread of fascism.
Weird that this is getting so many dislikes, tf is up with people
A lot of insecurities
They recognize that one person’s rights can infringe another’s. That’s all.
How could this possibly infringe on another’s rights?
Bernie Sanders would be my first thought
Mine too
The kids protesting on campuses right now.
not in any specific order:
SPI, the foundation supporting debian and arch projects.
boeing whistleblowers, and anybody willing to step up against these kinds of corpo shenanigans.
people who wear masks.
stephen colbert, john oliver and their news team
lemmy posters
Teachers. It is such a widely known trope that teachers are overworked and underpaid. So many that want to pursue teaching now enter the market, understanding that they will likely need a second job at some point. Although internet kudos do little to actually address the problem, my respect goes to the teachers.
Stephen Hawking.
He has influenced how physicists look at the world, and they in turn have taught us how to see the world, and nearly everybody believes what he has told (even though some of the topics do not fit with newer observations anymore, but still nobody has come up with really better explanations).
Kind of on the tail end of their careers, but Senator Ron Wyden on privacy/surveillance, and Bernie Sanders on most stuff. Good question for a thread.
For me personally, Cory Doctorow. Here’s an inspiring talk by him.
That guy’s a good egg, and a pretty good author too
Mick Lynch and Shawn Fain
Mick Lynch is definitely one of mine. We’re lucky to have him.
Are these made up names? Never heard of them. Must be an American thing?
A American labor unionist
Oh you :-)
Mick Lynch is currently the most badass man in Britain. Absolute unit.
Alexandra Elbakyan (Scihub) has probably done more for scientific progress than anyone alive.