This is the case with most food from the grocery store, cause it tends to be packaged for 4x people, but there’s only two people in my house. Every time I cook, the base ingredients end up costing the same as it would to go out to eat, and I’m stuck with a bunch of leftovers that go to waste cause there’s just too much left to eat, and it sucks having to eat the same thing more than two days in a row.
So basically I only cook maybe once or twice a month tops now cause it’s a lot less wasteful, and isn’t as much of a drain on my wallet that the internet told me it was.
I don’t get it?
Do most people buy fruit and then just ignore it?
Some bachelors and the depressed especially
This is the case with most food from the grocery store, cause it tends to be packaged for 4x people, but there’s only two people in my house. Every time I cook, the base ingredients end up costing the same as it would to go out to eat, and I’m stuck with a bunch of leftovers that go to waste cause there’s just too much left to eat, and it sucks having to eat the same thing more than two days in a row.
So basically I only cook maybe once or twice a month tops now cause it’s a lot less wasteful, and isn’t as much of a drain on my wallet that the internet told me it was.