My Pothos got a bit long and dropped leaves in the middle of its stem. I didn’t want to cut it directly since in my experience it would drop more leaves on the newly cut piece, so I wanted to try air layering. I’ve never done air layering before and didn’t want to use sphagnum moss, so I gave it a try with coco coir.
After 11 days in moist coco coir in this little piece of an old plastic bag, it has little roots! In a week or perhaps two it should be ready to be separated from the mother plant and potted. 🥰
That’s neat!
In my experience, you can also just cut them and put the cut end in a vase with water. It will grow roots, but they don’t like going back in the dirt after living in pure water. Just another option
I wanted to avoid water propping it because of the tough transition back to soil (and because it would be quite a long cutting, I was worried it might drop leaves). That’s why I wanted to try air layering :)
It’s got me interested in trying it! My pothos is really taking off after a recent transplant
I put the cuttings in my aquarium and forget about them until I feel like planting them. The roots grow like crazy in there.
Great job!