• TaterTurnipTulip@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Some parents are just bigots. Some are brainwashed by religion. Some are just afraid and/or angry about anything they don’t understand. If a kid isn’t telling their parents, there is probably a VERY good reason. Kids get beaten. Kids get kicked out of their homes. Kids get sent to conversion camps. Parents can be just as terrible as anyone else.

    • cybersandwich@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      I understand that but I guess I don’t understand being “trans” then. Is Susan going by “Steve” just at school? Are they changing clothes before first period and before they go home?

      Honestly at some point that probably should come up in a parent teacher conference or something, but it’s a dumb thing to legislate and require.

      This whole thing is performative and any legislature spending time on this vs actual meaningful work should be ashamed of themselves. I’m sure the people of Tennessee have bigger fish to fry than trying to force teachers to narc out kids.

      And shame on any parent who has such a toxic relationship with their kid that they want the government to require teachers of all people to tattle on their kids.

      • captainlezbian@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        It may be that the child is asking their friends to use a different name and pronouns at school

        And the reason it’s generally advised not to bring into a parent teacher conference is that some of these children are keeping it from their parents due to reasonable fear of abuse.