few has always meant 3 or more to me
one, a couple, a few, some, many, several
Some and many aren’t really quantifiable to me.
One is one
Couple is two
Few is three to five
Half dozen is six
Several is seven to nine
But that’s just my opinion.
I usually just use the number I intend
I remember when there were two Germanies. Now there’s only one. How long until there’s none at all? We’re running out of Germanies and no one seems to care!
Wait, let me go fetch the Germany fluid. I must have it somewhere…
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The logic checks out. The more you go back in history the more Germanies there were.
Das ergibt absolut Sinn.
Ich freue mich, dass Sie zustimmen!
Mehr bitte!
Dieser Kommentarbereich ist nun Eigentum der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Ab sofort gilt § 23 VwVfG.
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You are Ger-enough!