The part where they have a battle over the prison, and after the good guys win they leave their newly secured fortress because some fences got knocked down.
That’s EXACTLY where I stopped too. How ridiculous
Is that around around the same time as the scene that’s been made into a meme where the good main cop guy (can’t remember name) is crying leaning over telling his son that his mum is now a zombie or dead?
When the lady at Maccas tells u the icecream machine is broken.
Yes yes yes. Thankyou for delivering.
If I remember correctly, it’s the cop dad realizing his son shot his mother (copwife) who was in the process of birthing his sibling. She couldnt complete the brith naturally, and was dying of blood loss. If you die you turn.
So dadcop was away at this time due to plot, carl shoots mom and they rip the baby out.
This meme scene is when Rick returns to learn all that has transpired, and that Carl is completely detached and uncaring (outwardly).
Rick then goes into the scene where the birth happened and it is implied he finds a walker eating the corpse of his wife.
He is, as you can imagine, somewhat bummed out and grouchy about all this.
It also marked his son’s pivot from being his little follower (as in wanting to follow his footsteps) into something much more dark.
I dunno, tried to remember. probably goofed some details
He is, as you can imagine, somewhat bummed out and grouchy about all this.
Lmfao I did not expect this line
Nope, this was the single moment that ruined the show for me and I’ll tell you why.
Carls reaction wasn’t even shock. It was just nothing. Detached is a great word for just… nothing. So you have the son watching his mom die and zero reaction happens.
Then the dad freaks out but just like the meme I found this reaction so stupid. It’s bad acting. It’s bad writing.
Then what really killed it for me is that the dad goes into a long sad boi moment, meanwhile Carl becomes this new bad boy character that his character earned exactly zero build up for. So much so that he takes away from his dad. His character goes from weak boy who needs protection to this like rough and tough kid who tells his dad to “man up.” It’s hilarious. It needed way more development and it was clear they wanted a destination for the characters but couldn’t transition properly.
I’m not arguing for this scene, I’m describing it
(Didn’t mean it argumentatively, I meant that aimed at the show)
Damn yea that all rings a few bells now. I didn’t realise it was the kid that had to kill the mum (and baby?) This is the point I stopped watching, I can’t remember specifically why, but I obviously got sick of it or thought the show had turned to shit and maybe this was the last straw for me.
If I recall, baby lived, dad has to grapple with infant no milk, weird son, all the other shit and is just rocked.
Oh yea that’s pretty fucked up.
When they were trapped in a traincart or maybe a shipping container. I felt like the show fell into a loop of finding a safe place then the safe place turning out not to be safe.
I powered through that, and I’m watching the next arc. You’ll be relieved to know that they’ve found a safe place. A few of the main cast have noticed some flaws, but I’m sure it’ll turn out ok…
The HBO “women making increasingly worse decisions and their problems would have been solved had they done nothing in the first place”.
This comment alone has solidified my decision to never start watching this series. Thank you.
Yup. The seasons always felt like 80% of it was drama which would be later be irrelevant or subplots that would be unfinished, followed by 10% scheming and a 10% action packed finale where things would kind of reset.
I’m not sure if people just enjoy watching drama but even on some TV shows that I love for the brilliant writing(like Mad Men) it almost felt like too much.
Anyways I think I got to a season after the prison and I realized the loop was not pleasing to me because the characters had little progression, if that makes any sense.
During the season where they got to a seemingly safe place and then it turned out humans are the worst. Then zombies killed some humans and the others had to flee.
I’m sure you know which season I mean /s
When Neegan showed up and I realized that the only fun episodes were the season opener, mid-season break, and finale and that Glenn and Maggie were the only two characters I wanted to live. Since the lame Glenn hid under a trash bin fakeout death, I knew Glenn was gotta get the bat and it wasn’t worth watching Maggie go through whatever dumb storyline they came up with after that as they were becoming even more predictable and mediocre over time.
Don’t regret watching it to that point or anything, that was just when I decided to spend that time watching something else.
That is also the moment where I stopped watching. I was already on the fence for some time, but the bullshit of having Glenn survive and then get his head smashed in was the last drop.
Ah yep. Was looking for others who stopped at Negan.
Powered through after quitting on the farm during the original airing. Just to put my hands up once one too many obnoxious decisions led them to the even more obnoxious Negan.
Glenn died and so did my desire to watch.
I remember this part also really pissed off a lot of comic readers because the comic does the batting event as very unceremonious event at the end of an issue, true to the style of the story. This contrasted a lot with the show which treated it like this big event cliffhanger at a mid-season break, only to then return to kill Glenn off as everyone expected.
It was shortly after they faked out Glenn’s death, because I felt the writers were being emotionally sadistic just for shock value and not to enrich the story.
I think I also quit watching The 100 around the same time for that same reason (and because of a couple character deaths that were written very shitty. If you know, you know.)
I know.
TWD really was in my opinion the first TV show that had a social media hype train. And the writing quickly felt like a lot of fan service(plot armor and screen time) and shock value (intentional cliffhangers to spur social media conversations)… Other great shows like Breaking Bad and GoT also had huge hype trains but it felt like only connusuiers watched them. TWD was the kind of show that appealed to many generations. It was pretty sad to watch it go downhill. If they had finished strong the IP would be as highly regarded as Breaking Bad.
That’s a very unique way of writing connoisseurs
My phone ran with it (showed up as the recommendation lol) 😂
The 100 had great promise and was messed up with lame ass writing.
The final straw for me was the day after the episode where Beth died aired. It was the morning after that episode aired and I hadn’t had time to watch it yet, and I was scrolling through Facebook when a giant “RIP Beth” picture popped up on my main feed from the official Walking Dead account.
The official account couldn’t even hold itself back from posting spoilers for 24 hours after the air date and I realized I didn’t even care that the episode had been spoiled. I didn’t care about the characters, or the plot or the direction the story was going.
I haven’t watched anything Walking Dead since.
but…youre spoiling it now? edit: /s because I guess I have to spoon feed jokes to you people
24 hours is a spoiler.
9 years is a recap.Lmao im sorry I should have used /s but I thought it was funny
That’s on you. If you don’t want to have yesterday’s episode spoiled, you shouldn’t go on social media or at least be very careful.
I started to lose interest with Glenn’s dumpster thing, totally stopped when they made Negan’s introduction into a cliffhanger. In hindsight, I wish I’d stopped watching when Rick first arrives at Alexandria’s gate, before he ever goes inside.
Get out of my head.
The Walking Dead actually died many seasons ago and we’re watching its zombified corpse stumbling around.
Season 2. Them fucking around on the farm with like 3 zombies the whole season.
And from what i always heard, it never even got better.
I made it to the jail…was not worth it lol
That whole deal about people “catching” the virus or whatever in the jail was absurd. For a few episodes it was airborne then suddenly it wasn’t any more.
This is where I quit. Made it to them finding the Zombies locked up in the barn.
Ha! Saaaame. The first season was great but I was bored all of s2 and when it was over, I realized I didn’t care anymore.
EXACTLY! how i left season2.
By the time I realized the show was just people bitching and moaning with the occasional zombie was halfway through season 2.
But I finished it just to see if it would get any better. I was so checked out by the time the chick with swords and two chained up zombies showed up.
When Carl got killed and I realized that I didn’t care about any of the characters. I didn’t even finish watching the episode.
Carl gets killed???
What? No! Did I say “When Carl got killed”? I meant “When Carl got chilled”. It was a whole episode where he had a sore throat and it’ s a whole thing.
LoL 😆
No worries. I read through the entire graphic novels. I know the TV series it’s different. I lost interest I think after Hershel’s farm, or was it the prison?.. The pacing was too slow for me. I don’t intend to watch it entirely. It’s too long and I don’t have time anymore for such long series.
I’d be upset about the spoiler but I probably won’t ever make it that far. :/
Yeah I probably won’t. It’s okay
Funny. This is when I stopped reading the comics. Haven’t watched a single episode of the TV show.
Years later I learnt he survived the shot.
Hershel’s farm. Got to the end of that, and just never picked it back up. Every time I’ve thought about it, something else popped up and it just keeps falling by the wayside.
Funnily enough, that was also around the time that I fell off from Who. Just wasn’t enthralled with Matt Smith, and I equally haven’t gotten around to finishing his time. Seen some sporadic bits, but y’know, there’s Wolfs Rain right there, and it’s been a minute, so…
Was that when they found Zombies in the barn at the end? That’s when I gave up.
Yep, that’s exactly it. I actually enjoyed, and read passed, that section in the comics, but for some reason the show just didn’t have that same hook to carry on.
You can curse on the Internet
Shit, you can even fuckin curse in real life if you damn well want to.
Fuckin’ A!!!
When they got to the prison. The entire previous season was a waste of time because the girl they were looking for was already a zombie in the barn the whole time, they killed off all the characters I liked because of contract disputes, and then they just got reset back to square one.
Which ever episode it was were the main love triangle chick flipped her car in broad daylight on a mostly empty road with no traffic.
I realized that almost none of these characters would have survived the initial outbreak.
When they had a baby or some shit. I just really didn’t want to deal with baby drama.