Alabama suffocated a man to death in a gas chamber tonight after starving him so he wouldn’t choke on his own vomit as they did it. And this was deemed perfectly legal by multiple courts in the vaunted American legal system.
That’s what happens when you value institutions over people.
Link for more info:
They should just fill his chamber up with nitrogen on a random day of the week while he’s asleep
A man is sentenced to death on Sunday and told he will be executed on a day in the upcoming week, but it will be a surprise that he will not see coming. He reasons he cannot be executed on the next Sunday, since if he made it to Saturday and was still alive, he would know he was being executed on Sunday since it’s the last day. Because he cannot be executed on Sunday, Saturday becomes the last day and he reasons he can’t be executed then either. He follows this logic all the way down to Monday and concludes that he will not be executed.
He was executed on Tuesday and was very surprised.