As the new year approaches, now's as good a time as any to reflect on what's important and how we get there. Maybe 2024 is the year you realize you're a socialist!
Why You Should Be A Socialist In 2024 – Second Thought
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Citations and Further Reading:
Covid wealth transfer
Wealth transfer since 1975
PTO statistics
Ten richest double their wealth while bottom 99% of humanity’s fall/would still be richer than 99% of the world after 99.99% loss
Nearly 100 million fall under $1.90/day during COVID
Bosses bet on workers getting COVID
Layoffs during COVID
Why Socialism? - Albert Einstein
45% of new created wealth goes to top 1%/CEOs make 350x what their workers do/Wages are lower than 50 years ago/half of Americans live paycheck to paycheck/$50T transfer of wealth from bottom 90% to top 1% since 1975
Vacation days & paid time off
Maternity leave
Legal & societal changes growing the gap between productivity and wages
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I posted this in the Dutch socialist subreddit r/Poldersocialisme and it got removed because it ‘is not relevant for the subreddit’ lmao
I stopped posting there because they’re a fucking joke. If I were an admin I would’ve purged every single socdem years ago. Met harde hand.
One of the mods is a huge trotskyist know it all and I suspect him of doing all of the petty removing and banning shit.
very trotskyists tbh
I just bought a book called: socialisme, seks en seksualiteit. I think you would like it. It’s essays from 1999 by dutch and Belgian marxists on the topic.
Thanks for the recommendation, comrade! I just looked into it, and it’s a book I definitely haven’t seen before. I’ve added it to my reading list.