Please an RPG not DnD. Try to break free from this monoculture.
Fine, we’ll play Pathfinder
one finger curls on the monkey’s paw
At least it’s a different packaging, not owned by Hasbro, and it shows that something else exists.
Monkeys paw how?
Little difference in content. Also I bet it’s much less interesting to watch due to crunching.
That said I’m planning my transition to Pathfinder rn since it seems more fun to play.
P2e is surprisingly fast, takes about the same time as 5e per round.
I say this as someone who’s been playing in a 2e campaign for the past two and a half years and has been GMing one the past year and largely greatly prefers PF2e to 5e. There are some great elements in 2e like degrees of success, the three action economy, lots of customization options, great GM support, and Paizo overall being a better company that Hasbro. But let’s not kid ourselves here: Pathfinder is just reskinned DnD. Heroic fantasy where you roll a d20 and add a modifier.
Pathfinder is just reskinned DnD. Heroic fantasy where you roll a d20 and add a modifier.
No, that’s a d20 system heroic fantasy system. D20s arent even a permanent part of DnD, just its current iteration. If you wanted to be reductionist, you could just say that these all TTRPGs are just board games with smaller boards and larger rulebooks, and that those are just gambling games because they use dice. Pathfinder is similar, 1e was an extension of 3.5e, but at this point I’d consider them well past a reskin.
In Pathfinder, you can cast shocking touch through a melee weapon. Pathfinder wins.
Seriously though, I love Pathfinder.
Tbh I’d be very surprised if wizards of the coast is not substantially bankrolling critical role at this point.
CR has a sponsorship with D&D beyond right? I’m pretty far behind in campaign 3, but doesn’t WoTC own D&Dbeyond now?
So yes. They are bankrolling them. I seem to recall their twitch revenue got leaked a few years back as well. But that doesn’t include sponsorships.
Sirs Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen playing a PBTA game. Oof that would be insane.
Can you imagine playing D&D with Patrick Stewart??
Imagine a campaign with Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Judi Dench, and Helen Mirren.
I’d call it “Sirs & Dames”
I’d call it a Ladies and Gentlemen.
Instant #1 podcast of all-time.
Edit: Can we get Paul Rudd to host/DM? Because who doesn’t love Paul Rudd?
My vote is Vin Diesel
Now searching for British actual plays!
I imagine he’d be more like Avery Bullock than JL Picard.
Or maybe Walter Blunt
get patrick stewart and ian mckellen on a one shot ❤️
Genuinely surprised Disney hasn’t figured out a way to mill content out of the Fantasy Flight TTRPG. Shit Mando S1 felt like a game run by Filoni and Favreau, with pascal as the main PC and a rotating cast of drop ins.
Patrick Stewart was Khelben “Blackstaff” Arunsun in the video game “Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone.”
Khelben is a significant persona within the Dungeons & Dragons setting of Forgotten Realms, renowned for his mastery of magic and his esteemed position as a formidable archmage.