Imagine depending on your creditor, who also happens to be your employer, for the very oxygen you breathe. This would be like a company town x1000.
It’s like the shit apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree
Resembles? I’m no expert but I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what it is.
It’s indentured servitude with extra steps!
He’s been watching The Expanse and getting ideas…
That’s exactly what it is. Musk’s family eas exploiting cheap labor before he was born. It’s in his blood.
boy howdy I can’t wait to be shackled to the floor of a rocket ship when the construction efforts for the mars colonies have a labour shortage and SpaceX doesn’t wanna /hire/ more slaves.
Lots of em would do it for free. Every time there’s a spaceX event, out comes thousands of techbros saying shit like: “I will literally die for u elon plz save us.”