The lawsuit argues that the Biden administration went too far in asking schools with government-funded lunch programs not to discriminate against queer kids.
The lawsuit argues that the Biden administration went too far in asking schools with government-funded lunch programs not to discriminate against queer kids.
Misleading title. The Biden administration is trying to tie lunch funding to schools’ gender policies and republicans are suing against that. There’s no mention of “denying lunch” to anyone.
I don’t think the article is misleading. If you take money from the federal government you have to follow their rules. This is how Medicare and other programs have always worked so there is precident. The republicans want to argue semantics on whether the funding agency or Congress have the right to make/change the rules as a stall tactic for positive change. Regardless of their disagreement, their behavior and beliefs in fascism are still abundantly clear.
The title is misleading because like you said, it is an argument over semantics. Not “Schools’ right to deny free lunch to gay and trans kids.”
Republicans are arguing it’s semantics, decent folk are arguing that those kids exist no matter what and must be protected.
Yes, true, they’re suing to be able to discriminate against queer kids in general, not just during lunch.
If you don’t follow federal law you shouldn’t get federal funds.
Please ELI5 how these things are different.
One is outwardly hateful, the other can be contorted on paper so as to seem that hate isn’t the intent-- while as a totally-like-for-realsies unforseen consequence, enabling hatred.
Disparate impact.