I’ve tried foam earplugs, but those are impossible to use socially as everything’s too muddy. Also they’d end up sliding out eventually.
I eventually bought audiophile grade earplugs and they are FANTASTIC but the flange tips irritate my ears so bad.
I know circumaural headphones work great, but people have a harder time understanding I’m just using them as a filter to even hear them.
Go to an audiologist and get some custom made.
Imagine the “stupid sexy Flanders” scene from the Simpsons, but it’s your ears.
Ya know, I forgot that was an option. I guess I’ll schedule a visit. I could use the same mold for custom iems too right?
Yeah. Depends on what brand your audiologist uses.
My ACS plugs aren’t cheap (for what amounts to a glob of plastic) but I can wear them all day long with no irritation.
My focus is arguably worth it as a senior developer. I am totally prepared to throw some absurd scratch to solve this problem. Lol.
Customs sometimes come with optional inserts as well so you can get multi purpose use out of them. One for blocking the world out and others for high quality sound for a concert or other loud place where you do want to hear whats going on better without completely muting it.
+1 for Loop. They have a variety of dB levels and fit super well. I have Eargasm also and they work great but don’t fit in my ears as well and hurt after wearing them for hours. No issues at all with Loop.
I have the 16 dB Loop, and I honestly forget I’m wearing them sometimes. They’re so comfortable and really work well to take everything down a few notches while still being able to hear.
My partner got some from an Instagram ad. I eventually tried them and they really are great!. My kids are so fucking loud sometimes and the loops reduce the noise just enough so that I don’t lose my shit from their shrieking. Got myself a pair right before a road trip and it saved my life.
I got a pair of Bose QuietComfort 45 recently and I’m very happy with them. Very comfortable and they work great.
edit: after reading your post more carefully, I realize it’s probably not the answer you’re looking for 😶
Sure, I have my Sony WH1000XM4s, but I’m looking for something a bit more discreet. Something for more social contexts like at a loud gastropub where I can’t expect everyone to understand that voice focus modes are a thing.
I suppose I could try the Sony WF1000XM5s, but after my poor experience with the prior model I was looking for something new.
Is there any where I can read about voice focus mode? My hearing is fine but I always have problems picking out voices in loud places, is that what it is?
From what I understand this is incredibly common amongst us. Essentially picking out the “relevant” information is really hard when there’s a lot of other loud signals blaring.
For my Sony headphones I have a slider to set how strong the noise cancellation is set. If it’s set to anything lower than max/wind reduction you can check a box to amplify voices. It’s pretty darn good.
From what I understand the Pixel Buds can also do this REALLY well, but I haven’t used those. Lots of smart earbuds can do it these days, just expect to pay a couple hundred for it.
Have you tried loop earplugs? There are several different kinds that filter sounds differently and I can wear mine all day. I recommend trying their foam tips though, they are more comfy than the silicone ones.
Just stumbled across this on /all, but my custom earplugs have been life changing. I keep them in all day at work and they don’t bother me.
The goo they shoot into your ears to make the mould is a little unpleasant, but its over in two minutes.
Everyone has their own preferences, but I have found that, for me at least, Skullcandy has the most comfortable tips. Even if the sound quality is not supreme, I can’t see myself using any buds without replacing them with Skullcandy tips. Silicone, not scratchy, and they are easy to clean.
Do with this information what you will, I’m just throwing my personal experience and preference in the ring in case it helps someone
I tried a couple on the market- the flange ones hurt my ears over time, I think the loops are kinda a scam. If either go custom fit if you have the money/insurance or get earasers. They aren’t flanged, have multiple sizes and filtering strengths, and you can buy replacement silicone sleeves for cheaper and keep the filters you already bought. They’re also very nice people. I had an issue with the fit in one of my ears and called them up and chatted about it, and they got me a return, a different size, a different filter strength all turned around in a few days.
If I had insurance I’d probably get custom molded but the flexibility and the price of the earasers are very good. I have a max filter and sleep filter set and they work great. They’re also super discrete, I don’t think people can even tell when I have them in
I keep a set of these in the car for when I have to go to the supermarket, and another at home for sleeping. Just make sure that the dog doesn’t eat them.
How much do you want to spend? High end Shure canal phones with foam tips are pretty good. I’ve had a set of Shure SE525s for 18 years. They were about 500 bucks.
I use Ear Peace. They have a variety of types and come with a handy case so they’re always on my person.
In a pinch the moldable silicon earplugs work for me. Your ears need to be pretty clean though, because they collect ear wax like crazy.
Professional custom earplugs would be the best option, but there are a couple different kind of moldable earplugs you can get online
I think it’s personal, we all have different ear canals and different levels of noise tolerance. I’m fine without earplugs during the day, but at night I need them. I tried Loop but they slipped out of my ears(nothing wrong, they just don’t fit my ear canals). I tried custom made, but they are too firm for sleeping and my ears will hurt in the morning. Foam will hurt too. Eventually I tried a lot of them for sleeping and settled on
, with two layers as they are a bit smaller and made out of silicone and won’t hurt during the night.
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