Is California not the state of “progressive oh wait not so far let’s walk it back”? That’s how you’re seen by the east coast progressives at least. It’s like how New York is exactly as progressive as Wall Street permits it to be
Based on what examples? California was literally the first state to legalize medical cannabis.
California established the first auto-emission standards in the U.S. in 1966.
In 2008, the California Supreme Court ruled that same-sex couples have the right to marry. Although the controversial Proposition 8 temporarily halted this later the same year, the precedent had been set, and it was one of the first states to legally recognize same-sex marriage.
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) of 2018 was one of the first comprehensive data privacy laws in the U.S.
California has been at the forefront of raising the minimum wage, aiming for $15 an hour before many other states.
Newsom punted and he shouldn’t have, but your comment is nonsense.
Is California not the state of “progressive oh wait not so far let’s walk it back”? That’s how you’re seen by the east coast progressives at least. It’s like how New York is exactly as progressive as Wall Street permits it to be
California is always like the tenth state to do something progressive, not the first.
Based on what examples? California was literally the first state to legalize medical cannabis.
Newsom punted and he shouldn’t have, but your comment is nonsense.
True. It just pats itself on the back like Michigan, Washington, and Colorado didn’t beat it to the punch
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To be fair, that’s all of them