And we went over the plan for the last hour in discord, bitches!
Hold on, I gotta pee and grab a beer. Smoke break everyone.
Hey I’m almost 50 and I’m still kicking ass in Titanfall 2. I think mostly it’s about time spent, you have to play a lot to stay good. Most people my age don’t have the amount of free time I do to dedicate to that. But keep fighting the good fight!
Yeah, I agree. Earlier this year it was very slow at work and I played CoD a lot during work hours. I sucked at first, but through just playing a lot I was match leader more often. Of course I didn’t become champ, but the key really is persistence.
Same for me, I was on a big Warzone DMZ kick earlier this year and it’s the same as anything else. If I go back to it I get stomped, if I play it for a couple days in a row I learn how to hunt again. :D
This is my theory too. I honestly don’t think I’ve slowed down in games yet either (although I’m only in my 30s), and there are tons of even elderly people who have maintained dextrous skills their whole life, like violin or piano players.
I think it’s a “use it or lose it” type of situation.
Absolutely. Even if you’ve ‘lost it’ you can still get it back though. When I haven’t played a competitive pvp shooter in a few months and I get back into one, I’m incredibly rusty and get my ass handed to me for a couple hours. Just gotta push through that because the skills come back quickly! Quake 2 was another recent one that I went back to with their update a couple months ago. I was trash on day 1, but by day 2 I was winning over half my matches. Just gotta put the time in! A lot of my friends that are my age that used to be really good FPS players just get frustrated and quit playing before their skills come back though, which is a bummer.
Agreed, starcraft is IMO one of the worst examples of this in gaming, you gotta treat that game like a part time job at a minimum just to not get your ass handed to you 9 times out of 10 while playing online. When I was in my prime SC form I could easily beat the hardest (non-cheating) AI difficulty, I went back to it a few weeks ago and got destroyed by the medium level AI which is significantly worse than even terrible online players lol.
Even when I played that game constantly, if I went even a few days without playing it I would take half a day to get back up to speed. Such a hard game. I don’t have the patience for that anymore and if I feel like try harding I stick to overwatch which is IMO much more forgiving than starcraft is.
I tend to stick to single player games 90% of the time now that my free time is significantly less than it used to be.
I think StarCraft would give me carpal tunnel now. It would hurt a bit even when I was a decade younger. I switched from zerg to protoss toward the end so that I could get away with lower APM.
I literally have carpal tunnel in my mouse hand and I’d attribute a huge part of that towards my starcraft days sadly, that game is demanding af. Even competitive FPS games don’t bother me nearly as much as trying to play starcraft.
As a Protoss main, I feel personally attacked by your comment 😂 but at the same time it’s completely fair. Terran and Zerg definitely require more APM than Protoss, but I’ve always loved the idea of high tech aliens more than boring humans or swarming low tech aliens.
There’s something special about titanfall 2.
It’s not the mechs, though it’s awesome. I love the freedom of movement. Battlefield, CoD, those battle royal ones, even Counter Strike lack that fluid motion.
How I feel as a quake player
Playing OG Quake in my early 20’s gave me the skills I’m still using. Kids don’t realize, back then there was no fucking radar, no wallhacks (in game or otherwise), weapon balance was lol, we were all playing with 150-200ms pings unless you were lucky and on a T-1 at college or something. It was a crucible and you had your eyes and your reflexes. You got good or you got got!
Yes I agree, the movement is incredible once you get good at it. I think the mechs are a key as to why the game has such longevity too, because it really breaks up the flow of the match (in a good way) so you move between modes and it keeps things interesting. Pilot vs Pilot is fun but it wouldn’t have the same addictiveness for me if the mechs weren’t there.
Likely. I recall starting to get my butt kicked in arcade fighting games by preteens as I was getting to the end of high school and the amount of time I could get to the arcade was way down. In addition when I was younger lasting longer on that quarter was a bigger deal.
I have respect for people like you that can play those. I’m great at FPS and tactical / strategy games but I never got good at fighting games. Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Super Smash Bros, I get my ass handed to me no matter how much I play!
I’m pretty good to excellent at any FPS or Fighter that I’ve put my mind to but I can really struggle with RPGs due to the minutia of character and equipment management. I don’t WANT to write a Masters level thesis on how to min / max a character nor spend two days puzzling over exactly how to stack perks and bonuses from equipment, skills, and spells.
If you can do that then you’re a better RPG player than I will ever be.
Same. I’m over 50 and can still wail on other players IF I’m playing a game that I’ve spent enough time on.
Hell yeah brother. Somebody has to take these kids to school. lol
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