What I hate the most is when there’s a bunch of different versions or models of a product and all the reviews are combined in the same page. Having to always check which model of a product they are reviewing is annoying.
Or when there are twenty five thousand different listings of the same exact product all named something ridiculous that only someone born in the Middle Country could come up with
Google has been doing this for a long time now, nothing really new here. What’s disappointing is that they’re not using AI to crack down on fake reviews, including those generated by ChatGPT. There are reviews on Amazon that say (verbatim) “As an AI language model…” as the intro to the review, so clearly any effort to remove these is minimal.
“As an AI language model…”
The people behind the bots who made those reviews clearly either do not know or do not care how blatantly obvious they are as fakes. But those people probably are tracking if/when reviews get removed so that they can investigate why and correct it.
So it is probably better just to leave them up. They won’t get marked helpful. Real people will ignore them. And there’s nothing stopping Amazon from detecting them and from excluding them in calculations. But deleting them outright will grab the attention of the spammers.
How about they make it so I get my packages
Maybe they can instead make their search filters better and actually have some standards for the products/listings on the site. Or maybe don’t consolidate the reviews for different products in the same listing?
How about they show no reviews in foreign languages and instead show more reviews in my native language.