That’s probably the most aggressive fade out I’ve ever heard. Great example
That’s probably the most aggressive fade out I’ve ever heard. Great example
Your diverter is a knob? Interesting. I’ve only seen them as a little pull handle, usually on the spout.
Their tub has three knobs?
I think they were more saying you don’t need to understand the lyrics to enjoy music, which would be more like if the elevator still worked for the person in the wheelchair but the mirrors inside are hung so you can only see yourself if standing.
No, killing is fine. It’s murder that’s not ok
Oh is that what the Bahamas are doing?
Isn’t the whole thing with renewables that we can’t ramp production with demand and don’t have storage figured out? Use renewables as much as you can, and use nuclear to fill in those gaps.
The storage will probably have a similar lead time anyways and isn’t as proven as nuclear.
I prefer the look of overhand, but the oversize rolls pull better out of my inset holder when it’s underhand
I think we need a blend of false equivalencies and dangerous extremes.
With “v” sounding like it does in other English words like valve.
I hope this is at least banking that time; you don’t get overtime, but you can use that time later for paid time off.
If it’s the old style radioactive kind they get more sensitive with age.
No, it’s his friend’s magical teacup that goes wherever you command it. This poor victim just wasn’t careful with his incredulous utterance when his friend told him about it.
Oh of course, I’m forgetting about the other spell formats. This spell is conjuring a cactus into their urethra. The spell I was thinking of turns the urethra itself into a cactus.
Probably why I failed the first time taking the wizard’s exam…
So, I didn’t read the title and thought the quote was metaphorical, and talking about time itself. How we become desensitized to the passage of time and bloody from all the days gone by.
Then I read the title and got sad…
Pretty sure that’s how we do it up on Canada. I think random samples are hand-counted to make sure the machine count is accurate. There’s early voting too so not all just in one day.
Won’t that just make a cactus out of urethras? You want to cast “cactus urethra”
Hot, cold, felt