All 65 million members of Generation X around the country celebrated after finally realizing their goal of becoming invisible to the nation’s political, cultural, and historical landscape.
GPS only became standard in the last 10 years, and millennial are in their 40s.
Encyclopedias have informational blurbs, but often lack nuance and aren’t how you get subject matter expertise and real-life arguments happen every holiday.
These arguments are about as sensical as saying kids NEED to learn cursive more than they need to learn home key.
The chances of the internet going away are actually pretty slim. Being able to navigate the internet is more important than any of those things.
I’m not irrelevant - look at my irrelevant, trivially easy, by no means unique skills.
I guess those arguing in real life skills of yours don’t translate to the Internet - putting disaffected grunts, performative disinterest, and over the top sarcasm into text is difficult.
Do not fuck with us. We still know how to read a map, argue in real life, and find information in an encyclopedia.
When the world ends, we are your only hope of figuring anything out.
You know millennial were like teens and young adults when smart phones were invented right? We can mostly do that stuff too.
Millennial here, I can do that, and my knees work.
I’ll be the Joel to your Ellie.
None of these are genx specific.
GPS only became standard in the last 10 years, and millennial are in their 40s.
Encyclopedias have informational blurbs, but often lack nuance and aren’t how you get subject matter expertise and real-life arguments happen every holiday.
These arguments are about as sensical as saying kids NEED to learn cursive more than they need to learn home key.
The chances of the internet going away are actually pretty slim. Being able to navigate the internet is more important than any of those things.
Like, whatever.
I’m not irrelevant - look at my irrelevant, trivially easy, by no means unique skills.
I guess those arguing in real life skills of yours don’t translate to the Internet - putting disaffected grunts, performative disinterest, and over the top sarcasm into text is difficult.