“Companion softwares” for hardware are the only thing that still makes me use my Windows VM. In my case it’s my children’s educative computers which need a real computer to add content.
“Companion softwares” for hardware are the only thing that still makes me use my Windows VM. In my case it’s my children’s educative computers which need a real computer to add content.
Oh I know more or less how the American law works. But I think it’s a bad one, that’s all.
I’m French, and in France hate speech is illegal. Negation of crimes against humanity is illegal. Defamation is illegal. And you know what? France is still a free country. Freer even maybe, as our other freedoms and rights (like our rights to live peacefully) are more protected.
I disagree. Free speech should have limits, like every other freedom, because freedoms oppose each others. Insults, defamation, threats, calls for hatred, lies, … shouldn’t be covered by free speech.
Thank you for your answer.
Please ignore me if you think my question is uncalled-for, but your answer surprises me. I get agnosticism and atheism from a philosophical point of view, even if philosophically I stand in the theist side. I get the feeling of disgust when one studies history and actuality of religions, even if I think it’s kind of a limited, one-sided view. But disgust for the mere idea of the existence of God seems… a bit extreme. What did you mean?
Yeah I like him, even if he had bad stances on some subjects (like Israel or abortion). He’s too much on the evangelical side to me, even if he was not an actual evangelical. But was right on sooooo much subjects!
I don’t think atheism is central to anarchism. Opposition to religion (in its institutional and hierarchical form) is, but not belief in a higher being per se.
Anarchism can make Christianity non-authoritarian, and Christianity can teach anarchism how to be spiritual. Of course nor anarchism nor Christianity need each other, but I like how they complete each other.
Anarchism should be communism + Christianity.
And Die Linke, while (partially) a successor of the SED, is not a communist party.
Yes, I agree. I meant the point about heaven 🙂.
But we have the Uewersauer lake!
I know it’s shitposting, but even if we accept the idea that God would be interested by what you do with your own body when you’re alone, isn’t the whole point of the Bible that you don’t have to climb to go to heaven, but accept God’s grace?
I.don’t understand evangelicalism.
It was a little large so 10 minutes.
I tried but it didn’t work. But I may have done it wrong.
Jlai.lu is more a francophone than strictly French instance, even if as far as I know most admins are French.
Let’s put !luxembourg@lemmy.world in lemmy.dbzer0.com 😁
You don’t think being reified is demeaning?
I suspect your view may be distorted by algorithms feeding you content they expect you to enjoy.
And an accusation. Let’s stop, you don’t discuss in good faith.