To me this looks like a Doctor Who episode. We have the Dalec and the Tardis in the scene 😂
I think this model can reach Null Island from anywhere, doesn’t have to be Europe. Can’t wait to see what else it’s capable of. But kind of hoping it won’t murder me in my sleep.
I think that the idea here is to get user attention towards more “linked” videos rather than things they normally look for. Cheap trick.
I would put a simple “grep <whafever> mail.log || curl” or something like that. Ntfy can send you alert on the phone if some check failed or passed. For pass just use && :) Simple and it works.
This happens to me too sometimes. It usually fixes itself up when I clean the cache and remove all downloaded songs so it can update them.
Yeah better fit but a bit of trouble to setup… What’s your opinion on Icinga? Never used it myself.
There will always be people in both cases thinking they are entitled to the work of others. There will be nice people who do nice by others too, rarely but that happens. We live in a wonderful world and not being an a…hole about things makes it better.
Give a try. I’m planning to do the same for similar use case. Sensu ( is a more sophisticated option but it requires more infrastructure and there is a bit of a learning curve with it.
XML or JSON - does it matter? Turtle is a turtle, same principals apply, just different structure. What happened to server side rendering? Oh, we do that with fancy frameworks and ton of JS now. All good.
Very cool! Thanks, saw some things I didn’t know about.
That would be amazing. But it won’t happen any time soon if ever… I mean - just think about all that investment in GPU compute and the need to realize good profit margins. Until there are laws and legislation that requires AI companies to open their data pipelines and make public all details about the data sources I don’t think much would happen. They’ll just keep feeding any data they get their hands on and nothing can stop that today.
It’s almost impossible to audit what data got into an AI model. Until this is true companies could scrape and use whatever they like and no one would be the wiser to what data got used or misused in the process. That makes it hard to make such companies accountable to what and how they are using.
No place like
Right. Why should someone write 10 lines of yaml when they can program 20 lines of Go? Or python. Or assembly for a risc cpu because it just feels so friendly with that nice instruction set.
Almost ready for it’s prime time I think. We just need a bit more on the UI/mobile app friendliness to make it shine for all.