I was trying to make an account there yesterday and it was down all day. Was it down for you yesterday or am I doing something wrong?
I was trying to make an account there yesterday and it was down all day. Was it down for you yesterday or am I doing something wrong?
American denotes continentality
Please draw a big red circle around the continent “America” as I went to public school in the US and am the big dumb and can’t seem to find it.
Have you ever watched the WAN show?
I’ve tried but
He almost always refuses to admit he’s wrong.
I looked it up and think I found what they were talking about. It appears they are 57th out of 127 at just over 70 million barrels annually (if I’m reading this correctly) with the number 1 spot taken by the US at nearly 15 billion. I think I agree with the other response you got, just a bad faith comment trying to shit talk a country they don’t like.
And judge rinder isn’t a divorce court judge we really gonna poke holes in a meme
I don’t think he’s a bad guy for what he leaked, I think he’s a bad guy for what he withheld.
Don’t get too excited. They’re just doing it so it doesn’t get in the way of the Ai they’ll be putting on there.
Took me way too long to realize that was German.
Edit: fixed link
At least the foil idea was someone who has to deal with a similar problem on a different bike.
Density is extremely important. The town I live in is a small town even though it has a high population, according to the person you responded to. But the way it’s spread out there isn’t anything near a small city culture. And we’re much too far from actual cities to be suburbs. Voter turnout is probably the biggest issue here.
It’s not a problem anymore because nova is the frame now but nidus was the new player frame you’d get for purchasing the starter pack. Absolutely insane to give new players a frame that can do so much content with almost no mods.
Whoever did it most likely intended to make money from posting it and they can’t without censoring it. At least that’s been the general consensus every time I see this asked and answered and your other choice is the snowflake bloke.
It makes some sense when multiple crimes were committed but it was one event. Robbing a liquor store becomes several different crimes with their own max sentences. Sure there were multiple laws broken but they only did one thing. The issue is how grey that line becomes and how much authority a judge has over a crime’s punishment and when you factor in things like if the robber shot the clerk.
It’s important not to forget the past. If America treated slavery the same way we’d be a lot further socially.
You’re very passionate about headphones.
Are you really gatekeeping a video game
I had a customer come in on Friday because they couldn’t get their brand new printer to work. When I pulled the sticker off a new hp hater was born.
Red Star OS users unite!
My answer was more for those stuck on that screen without a second computer to grab another iso on.
You should read Catch 22