Kinda the same here in Nevada. Our Spanish teacher explained them briefly but told us we didn’t need to learn them, didn’t test us on them, so on.
Modder, programmer, and all around tinkerer. Yes, I’m that New Vegas and Deus Ex guy.
You can also find me over at kbin.run under the same username. Also kbin.social if it ever comes back from the dead.
Kinda the same here in Nevada. Our Spanish teacher explained them briefly but told us we didn’t need to learn them, didn’t test us on them, so on.
Most of them have gone to BlueSky. A few are on Mastodon but rarely as their primary (sadly). A lot of artists have gone to places like FurAffinity, Pixiv, and to a lesser extent DeviantArt.
Unfortunately a lot of them have just resorted to being on Patreon, which is unfortunate.
Even the porn creators and erotic artists have left.
When you’ve lost the porn it’s game over man.
For taxes: initially it was because business owners were renouncing their citizenship as a way to avoid income and capital gains taxes, as well as estate taxes. Once that was done though then the feds realized they could squeeze everyone.
For the draft: during the Vietnam War people would flee to other countries (usually Canada) and renounce their US citizenship, even if they didn’t obtain citizenship elsewhere. Becoming a stateless person was (correctly) seen as less of a death sentence than being sent to Vietnam.
Ironically enough, you actually have to pay the US Government to renounce your citizenship. The base fee is $2,350, but the application process is so lengthy and complex the total cost can run up into the $20k range. Oh, and you’re still obligated to pay taxes and subject to the draft.
Let’s not forget the embedded racism in the original quote from Terry: “CIA n*ggers glow in the dark.”
Yeah, but if they can do it that fast on their own, imagine how much faster they can get it done with help.
Besides, if China starts getting a little froggy Japan and South Korea are going to need a lot more than a few armaments to ward them off.
NATO was that, but it may very well continue on as something else. Without the US mind you, but nothing says the rest of the NATO countries can’t just decide to stay in.
Of course it might also be a good time for them to all make the international equivalent of the No Homer’s Club. Either way.
Technically they aren’t lying: their subjective experience is much better when they don’t have to deal with customers.
I actually run a hidden WPA1 SSID at home just so I can connect my PSP Fat to the net, so this is directly relevant to my interests.
Of course I need to upgrade my CFW. Still on M33 5.0. Then again I’ve been needing to do that for a while.
I’m not sure how the numbers were doled out, but in 2000 it was a big deal having a sub-9-digit ICQ number.
86336930 checking in. Pretty sure I remember the password, but it’s not like I can check now.
You will be missed, ICQ. When no other messaging service worked, you always did.
Ah damn, so that’s why a bunch of channels disappeared from my IPTV list. My fault for not diversifying I suppose.
Anyone got any suggestions for sites of a similar vein? Sites, not telegram/discord groups.
Seems like if they didn’t want content being viewed by anyone who can connect to a stream they might wanna put some authentication on the connection or something. Crazy idea, right?
EDIT: Yes, I know some of these streams are pirate streams being hosted elsewhere, but a bunch of them are straight from the companies themselves, available in the clear without any authorization checks.
I like to watch TV shows in the background where I’m not going to be watching the screen obsessively, so I have several shows in 480P or sub-480P. There are also some shows where the “official” HD versions are just awful (most 90s sitcoms) or the show was made for 4:3 and has a different feel converted to 16:9 (MASH, The Wire).
Going beyond that though, I spent years on a really limited connection (2.6m down/400k up) and my instinct for saving bandwidth and storage space is still there, along with my need to pay it forward since I ain’t no leech. I’ve become fond of making what I call “Bonsai Encodes”, where the files are small enough to be sent over damn near anything. With mono Opus and VP9 video you can cram 45 minutes of perfectly watchable content into a sub-25mb file that’ll play in Discord, with VTT subtitles even (though those won’t play in Discord itself). Looks a bit like watching it on an old tube TV, but it’s watchable.
Are your smoke detectors linked to each other? Could be faulty wiring in the circuit, or a completely different smoke detector failing and sending out an alarm that triggers the others. The latter happened in my home when I was growing up: the living room smoke detector kept going off a few seconds before the rest of them would chime in, but it turned out it was the one in the nearest hallway that was failing and sending out bad signals. The living room detector was just the next in the circuit.
Guessing they used Sonarr, Radarr, qBittorrent, maybe an NZB client…
Would you look at that, I’m sophisticated now.
Damn Leftists. They ruined Leftism!
“The game allows me to do this, that means I’m not an asshole for doing this!” - Every griefer ever.
Especially since the comment is still up and visible.
Now OP’s response under that where he posted “Guillotine Elon”, that was removed.
EDIT: You can also see this by searching his post history in the sub on pullpush. It’s literally the first result.