The neighbors fact is historically relevant, Jews have been living on that land for thousands of years
The neighbors fact is historically relevant, Jews have been living on that land for thousands of years
You’re right. There’s zero Jewish representation in the Arab world while Arabs make up about 20% of the Israeli population (and hold positions of power within the country). Israel is a tolerant society while saud, Qatar, etc. are largely intolerant of Jewish existence (they genocided their own Jewish populations).
Terrorism is violence towards people, riots are violence towards property, that’s a hell of a leap to try to equivocate the two
Are you a one line bot? Please continue to cling to your one sentence armor.
There’s clear psychological differences between those who label themselves “conservative” and those that don’t. And one of the clear differences is the inherent tribalism among conservatives.
Gold was apolitical money for a long time. Can’t just print gold.
The right doesn’t use language genuinely, so personally I don’t really care to consider their usages. The actual definition of words doesn’t matter to conservatives, it’s not how their brains work. That’s why it’s so easy for them to form a big tent party, they just need to say meaningless feel good phrases like “law and order”, “1776”, or “make America great again” to attract voters. That’s also why when they get power, they dissolve into infighting and can’t govern at all, because it turns out those phrases mean different things to all of them.
Can you elaborate on the role of the military in protecting against natural disasters? It’s not clear to me how this is already part of their function.
You’re sort of right but painfully wrong on so many things. The US government doesn’t mint its own currency, it borrows from the Federal reserve. Congress spends money into existence (by borrowing from the Fed), but then we pay back the Fed via taxes.
Poor auditing? Mate, they only audit for you doing what you say you’re doing. And if you say you play peek-a-boo, and the auditors watch you play peek-a-boo, you’re golden. ISO auditors aren’t experts at whatever it is you’re manufacturing and measuring, they are only experts on ISO standards. ISO trusts that you as the manufacturer are the expert in what you’re making.
ISO9000 is a joke. They don’t care what you do, they only care that you do what you said you’re doing. So if your inspection process is “we play peek-a-boo with the widget and if it’s still on the table when we open our eyes, it’s good to ship”. ISO only cares that you have a peek-a-boo procedure and your inspectors are trained on how to play peek-a-boo.
I thought your references were oddly vague, so I looked into them. Factual information, like David Cole, the Holocaust denier? Sounds real trustworthy
Don’t know what you’re talking about, every act under intoxication is already legally intentional. “It’s not rape officer, I was drunk!” Doesn’t hold up in court
By definition, if you got rid of cars, you wouldn’t have traffic. Traffic is made from cars.
We keep saying “half of the nation” but he’s never won a popular vote. It’s a cognitive distortion
Credit scores are in part based on the oldest line of available credit, which for most people are their student loans. Pay those off, your oldest line of credit becomes something more recent, and your score goes down as a result
We will never be able to end crime if we continue to treat crime as a personal failing.
In light of seeing your fellow conservatives move farther right (and thus, kinda push the definition of the body of conservative beliefs farther right), on what grounds do you still identify as conservative? What does being a conservative mean to you?
I find your criticism of the parts of the movie you don’t like to be super weak and unspecific. The crux of the entire movie is the juxtaposition between what’s it’s like in Barbie ruled barbie world vs ken ruled barbie world. It’s literally the lens though which the movie criticizes patriarchy.
Ken bringing patriarchy back to barbie world I don’t think was a twist, it was the clear narrative arc from the moment ken fell in love with patriarchy.
Matell being villains is a clear misreading of the plot from your point of view. Matell is the butt of the joke the entirety of the film. They don’t drive the plot, and were never in control of anything that happens. Why would you expect them to become the villains? That’s your own internal biases leaking (and maybe putting too much of Mugatu onto will Farrell)
Lastly, in much the same way that the opening of barbie is an homage to 2001 a space Odyssey, (that scene they are parodying specifically in the original movie is about the death of old paradigms and the beginning of new ones), the beach battle is an homage to patriarchally driven war media, specifically D-Day scenes such as from saving private Ryan. It’s the death of patriarchy subverted through a traditionally patriarchal approach.
Ok but beyond the existence of “propaganda”, what are you fighting for in this case by towing this line? What message is the “propaganda” trying to convey that you disagree with?