I would also like to make a motion as a member of the panel that a critter would not be anything less than half the size of a mouse. Bugs aren’t critters unless they are big spiders for instance but a tiny frog definitely is.
Bees and wasps I dont know.
I’ve always considered the symbiont to be like a brain extension that while attached allows the host to access all the memories. Sort of like a flash drive adding storage to a computer. Even if the initial computer crashes the flash drive can still be plugged into a new machine and the files recovered. And, an unjoined trill (like what happened to Jadzia in Invasive Procedures can only remember what was recently accessed in the symbiont from her own brain (like a data cache).
If we are dealing with Thomas Riker or William Boimler Logic, I would say that you now have Jadzia 1 and Jadzia 2 and each is their own Dax as well.
In case number 2, I would say that most likely, as long as parallel Dax is compatible with Prime Trills, you’d still be able to pass it along to the next person. I have a feeling that the Dax’s might argue about who deserves what though. That would be/have been an interesting episode.
And as long as I am writing fan fiction, it would be interesting if Dax got some sort of worm concussion and lost certain parts of its memory. Could anything be done? Is it the same Dax without the memories of Curzon? Can we travel to an alternate timeline or back to the past to get a close approximation of the Curzon memories and somehow do a Young Frankenstein brain transfer to set everything right? Also the B story is Quark and Dr. Bashir having love triangle problems with alternate Dax or whatever.
Honestly, it seems like it would be easier to contribute Dev time to WINE and just start all over with a new incompatible version of Windows.
Theres a whole alien race, The Ferengi, that are obsessed with something called latinum and getting as much as possible because it can’t be replicated. Other than that, it has no other useful purpose. You could replicate anything you want for free or you could get some latinum and go to a Ferengi bar and pay someone else to replicate it for you.
So basically yeah, Ferengi are also post-scarcity but since they are the capitalist caricatures of the show, they have random substance xyz so they can still have a reason for rich and poor to exist.
Theres a house near me that has the 10 foot skeleton that they dress up for all the different holidays. Last year they got a second one. One of my favorite houses to looks at when I go by.
This is more like triple bolting the door but leaving a window open. There’s nothing inherently wrong with the door, its still secure but you can bypass the secure option with a less secure method.
You also get additional protection because rather than each website holding onto a hashed (hopefully) copy of the user passwords that can be stolen in bulk, stealing the public keys for a passkey from a site wouldn’t compromise the account. Someone would have to get access to your physical device or hack your password manager individually to get access to your passkey.
And and, the magic for most people is no more passwords and 2 factor stuff to deal with. The standard is still new, and in the cases where you want to use physical keys, its always best to keep 2 in case one gets smushed or goes through the washer. Some sites that have passkeys enabled only let you have 1 passkey. So in that case its kind of risky to make a passkey the only way to sign in.
This is the real takeaway, if you have a forgot password button that bypasses everything then none of it is anything more than a login accelerator.
This is just someone siting in the middle and modifying a page not to show the passkey login option anymore and then stealing a password/session token.
As far as I can tell, this has almost nothing to do with passkeys specifically and would only apply in a situation where a website has a username and password fallback in case a passkey isn’t created or isnt working.
I haven’t done any work for the military but i can say that all the legacy systems I’ve worked on were because the specific software they need was written only for Windows 98 and the developer or company that created it is long gone. Keeping it going is a chore but switching to literally anything else is out of the question.
I could see for military applications that having the known quantity of a working piece of software that isn’t changing anymore and can be swapped as an entire unit is an advantage, especially if it doesn’t touch the internet in any capacity. But eventually you run out of people who know what to do if any changes need to be made.
There are several things like that in Fedora, which is already a good reason not to recommend it to first timers. They most likely won’t know or care about nonfree codecs, they will just see a broken machine. Linux Mint understands that as a use case and has a “magic make it work” checkbox during install.
That all being said, I run Nobara and love it, but i wouldn’t recommend it for new people.
I don’t have a ton of faith in tplink to continue to support omada over the long term. They’ve also been somewhat slow to fix security problems in the past. For the same price as the omada ap you can get unifi u6 lites.
You can still run your own controller and i can vouch thaf a couple of them can cover an entire moderately sized house. I run 2 at home with pfsense on an ewaste tier dell optiplex and have for years without trouble.
I’ve never messed with opnsense but I assume it works just as well.
Also what type of connection are you getting from your ISP? If its a fiber connection you may be able to buy an SFP network card and replace the modem altogether.
You are correct that this is technically in code and would protect against shock hazards in a neutral error situation but you also get the opportunity for the outlet to pop during the day when nobody is home and the battery to die.
We had a situation in our old house where someone who was technically correct but didn’t think it through had a gfci outlet upstream of the refrigerator outlet. Thankfully it popped while someone was home and we got everything corrected before we lost everything in the fridge.
This is the concept of an episode of Nathan For You. Well, its a part of an episode about making real a fake story so he doesn’t get “A Million Little Pieces”-ed. Its a great show.
Does it count if i used to work in IT?
I still work in IT but I used to too.
In my youth I worked at a 24 hour gas station/restaurant for 2 weeks. It was robbed twice (not while i was there) and someone hit and ran and smashed up my car all in 2 weeks. But i did get unlimited coffee, pop and donuts (after 6pm) so overall I’d give it a 3/5.
Ladder logic?
The Horror, the horror.
If you say it loud enough you’ll almost sound precocious.
EXTREME WARNING if you have something important to do today. The above link is to TV Tropes. It’s too late for me, but you still have a chance to be productive today!