i am guilty of hyperbole… i should’ve qualified my infinitives with “just about” and such….
i am more sorry about my inaccuracy than anyone has ever felt sorry about anything
i am guilty of hyperbole… i should’ve qualified my infinitives with “just about” and such….
i am more sorry about my inaccuracy than anyone has ever felt sorry about anything
a sawed-off bat is a much more effective weapon… a full sized one is too easy to dodge and grab….
also, neaganize it with some barbed wire…
i left it open ended like that because there’s a lot of options….
i’d probably start with selling, like after 5 years people are welcome to copy it and distribute it but not sell it…
but i mean, a lot of variations are possible….
are you sure? have you actually tried? or maybe ask a librarian?
most public libraries are part of a network of libraries… and a lot of their services aren’t immediately obvious….
also, all libraries have computers and free internet access…
i’d like to ask what library in particular, but you probably don’t want to dox yourself like that….
oklahoma wasn’t great before that, but at least it was OK…
if the library doesn’t have a book, they will order it from another library….
every american library…
c++ is adding memory safety features… it’s still modern and frequently updated
i almost wrote that caveat, but decided to leave it low hanging….
as far as i know, though, that only applies to children’s books at this point…
how about: tiered copy rights?
after 5 years, you lose some copyright but not all?
it’s a tricky one but impoverished people should still be able to access culture…
you can, however, go to your local library and read any book ever written for free
well to some of us americans, who can’t leave, this is horrible… but logical….
the last thing i want is all the reasonable people to leave, and be stuck with these fuxks….
i kinda wonder now, how much did people fleeing nazi germany contributed to them solidifying power?
the mod of that subreddit “censored” you, not spez or the mods of reddit
the only reason to ban it is if it’s their plan
a: it’s not a private business if it’s open to the public (sam’s club is private).
b: how are they going to ban you if you don’t stop to talk to them, and they don’t have your id or name?
c: just walked past a walmart receipt checker 10 minutes ago, he didn’t even ask me… they can tell when you’re not having any of that shit, and they leave you alone… act like a coward and get treated like one.
d: imagine if you walk into walmart and they say “hey no blacks allowed, darky”… what’s the basis of your lawsuit? tHeY’rE pRiVaTe!
you have a right to your privacy… a walmart can’t legally violate that… you can sue… go to law school….
you can sue over a wet floor or dusty stairs… you can also sue for being banned for refusing to be searched….
you’re full of shit… i’ve declined every time at many different stores….
it’s your property once you buy it, they can’t compel you to show them your underwear either… if they started banning people for that they’d get sued and lose.
the ONLY caveat is at membership stores like costco, where you sign an agreement that includes the receipt checkers
join and be the leaker
he’s probably hard of hearing
try talking to him and approaching him with respect and kindness….
helps, but they can still dodge and catch you off balance…