Physics and Free Software
I want to congratulate everyone. I may have missed it, but I didn’t see a single person say Org Mode. Personally, I would suggest Org Mode Joplin
It’s not really ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ it’s under a fixed set of assumptions. You raise a valid point. What does happen to the top and the bottom? I was ignoring them considering only the sides in the two most extreme cases.
If I understand your case when the can is flatted the area gets much larger and when it gets taller it shrinks to a pin point. An equally valid approach
Quick ‘proof’ the taller the can, the more material used:
Consider two cases ignoring the top and bottom only focussing on the surface area. In the first case, you flatten so much the can has no height. This forms a ring that when unwrapped makes a length of 2 pi R.
Now stretch the can to be ‘infinitely’ long. By construction, this is longer than 2 pi r. Given both are made of aluminum, and have the same density, the larger can has more mass requiring more material.
The total mass must be a continuous function ranging from the linear mass density times the circumference of the circle to the same mass density time times the ‘length’ of the infinite line. This must remain true for any small increase in length between the two.
I’ll leave this as an exercise to the reader. What if the circle has an infinite radius?
Yewtube and/or ytdlp. I have a script which downloads any new videos from channels I typically watch. I use ytdlp to download music too
Don’t let you dreams be memes
Alive and… well alive in scientific computing
Is that a recent development?
More often than I prefer
I creep yall out back staring at it when the needle goes in.
Hannah Montana Linux
Parallel processing. Sometimes when speaking or thinking, something comes to mind which is related but presents a fork. It would be cool to chase both branches
I’ve lived Connecticut, New Jesey, Texas, Ohio, Virginia, and Tennessee. There is nothing I can call myself other than American.
Obama once said “No party or political philosophy has a monopoly on patriotism.” I’ll be one of the patriots fighting to bring us back from the brink. American AF 🤘
Let him do it. We can write a new one
Perhaps today is a good day to die. Prepare for ramming speed!
The fastest human made object moves at 1/1000 of the speed of light
Appologies. My presumption was civilized places don’t have such barbaric practices
The irony in how badly you are missing the dot point