His tone is quite different with Kim Jong Un and Putin.
His tone is quite different with Kim Jong Un and Putin.
I know the punisher only from the TV shows. But there, he fights bad guys and somewhat avoids harming the good ones, in a few instances even protecting them, right? So no, not at all like that, more like the opposite in all aspects. Lawful evil vs. lawless good. With “lawful” including everything government / society approved, such as war crimes, crimes against inconvenient protesters etc.
It is not expensive and has good reviews. Let’s get it!
Fantastic insight! You obviously know more about the background and similar as well as competing cultural influences. I saw him as someone who knows right from wrong and considers it his duty to do something about it, but being a hyperbolic mirror of patriotism starting to go wrong is his way to help, to give them a chance to finally see the problem.
Now I realise that this might be more like my own personal fan theory.
That was the page I considered posting initially
Some surveys seem to support that this direction could have worked. As a German, I supported the course of the Democrats to go with a presidential candidate and policies that democratic conservatives could get behind. About half of the voters in the US want less democracy, more totalitarianism. For a chance to stop Trump, it seemed reasonable just get all supporters of freedom and democracy behind a single candidate. But maybe I was wrong.
I have my doubts that there will be an election in 2028.
Reminds me of this character in Watchmen. Calls himself the Comedian, but never makes “jokes” in a classical sense. He is cruel, overly patriotic, violent against protesters, seems to enjoy massacres in Vietnam. Only one other person understands that he is actually against these things and tries to show them this hyperbolic mirror of their own totalitarian views. But everybody else doesn’t understand it, they take it face value and admire his “patriotism”. He never breaks role until the last moment (or even then just in the movie?).
Covid has already been proven to be a contributor as well: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/apa.16966
Das war eigentlich eine relativ einfache Zeit; Anträge wie die von OP sind meist direkt, selten mit einer freundlichen Nachfrage durchgegangen. Wahrscheinlich waren “red flags” in der Begründung, von denen es leider dutzende gab, z. B. früheres Interesse an Zeitsoldat, auf das nicht eingegangen wurde. Bei einigen ist auch der Haken in “Bereitschaft zu Auslandseinsätzen” irgendwie in das Formular bei der Musterung geraten, z. B. indirekt durch “wenn es unbedingt sein müsste, dann Marine” oder ähnliche Bemerkungen. Das war alles kein Problem, solange es erklärt wird und nicht widersprüchlich begründet wird, dass man schon Jahre vor der Musterung total dagegen war. Mit Rechtsmitteln wäre es nach erster Ablehnung sicher durchgegangen.
Es war deutlich schwerer, wenn die Einberufung zum Wehrdienst schon da war; dann immer nur mit Vorladung zur mündlichen Verhandlung, was aber auch mit guter Beratung geklappt hat.
Ich kenne aber auch Leute, die sich geweigert haben, die Begründung an die Rechtslage anzupassen und unbedingt ehrlich bleiben wollten. Verständlich, aber bei bestimmten Gründen dann garantierte Ablehnung. Auch in der einfachen Zeit musste erkennbar sein, dass aus Gewissensgründen bewaffnete Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Staaten immer und grundsätzlich abgelehnt werden, wie bei OP.
Siehe auch meine Antwort auf OP.
Juristisch nicht perfekt wasserdicht, aber ist ziemlich sicher ohne Nachfragen durchgegangen, oder?
Gut gemacht!
I tried Gemini before. The problem was reliability.
E. g. I say “add an event to my calendar: tomorrow 2 p.m., doctor visit”, and it parses the voice perfectly. The regular assistant would then just create the entry.
But Gemini sometimes goes like: “Adding an entry to your calendar is easy! Do you have an iPhone? Then these are the steps: …”