Couldn’t believe how convenient it is the first time I used it. Fantastic app.
Couldn’t believe how convenient it is the first time I used it. Fantastic app.
Enjoy the C3, best hand grinder I’ve owned so far!
Leading figures of the AfD are outright fascists (to the degree that it was ruled in court that one of its most prominent members can rightfully be called a Nazi).
Just because they don’t step into parliament and declare Germany a dictatorship doesn’t mean they aren’t a threat to democracy and won’t nudge the country towards facism once in power.
Where do you get the “supporters of free speech, democracy and rule of law” thing from.Oh, it’s how the party describes itself? Well that’s reliable…
Awesome alliterations all around, astounding and astute authorship.
Very interesting, thanks for the link.
It becomes more obvious when you first grind the beans very coarsely. I have an old grinder standing around that I have set to very coarse permanently, so I don’t have to spend too much time adjusting & readjusting. When you blow on the grounds, the chaff starts flying out, for most roasts I had it’s a decent amount, probably enough to affect the taste of the brew.
Definitely R/R Studio if you’re in data analysis. Runs circles around commercial Software in terms of scope and customization. A little harder to get into of course, but once you get the hang of it, there’s little you can’t get done with it.