Is this a Varric reference? “How about a giant sign that just says ‘Don’t’, [you could hit people with it.”]
Is this a Varric reference? “How about a giant sign that just says ‘Don’t’, [you could hit people with it.”]
I like it. Art and activism.
Points out awful business practice by Bezos in both the lack of bathroom breaks for employees and the lack of quality control in content.
No person was harmed. Product pulled to ensure as much once the piece was complete.
Well done.
Daevabad trilogy is solid. A nice change on the usual sword and sorcery stuff.
Dresden series is also good on audio. James Marsters does a good job.
The Stars Now Unclaimed. The story is decent but the dialogue is pretty crappy. Seems like I’m always scrounging for sci fi with good characters that can carry concept and story.
By simply having all PC games mod able and with accessible console commands, most issues will eventually have workarounds.
Last time I was at a zoo was Milwaukee. The penguin house was the most foul smelling thing I’d ever inhaled, outside of human gangrene.
I feel bad for that kid. Whatever he’s being paid, it’s not enough.
Their content turned fairly bad. Witcher and Stranger Things were the only reasons to keep it. So why keep it?
Haven’t had it for a while. It was cool in the 00s, started to go bad in the 10s. Inertia can only take you so far.
Hell, even AppleTV free run had more decent content for 3 mos.
That is atypical.
Now if you become one with a chair for most of the day, expect it in your 40s. And expect an active 80+ year old to physically kick your ass by the time you hit 60.
But 30s? That’s an outlier.
I assumed this was a nursing sub until I looked closer. Hospital management only does horrid shit like this for staff.
These “rewards” are awful. My condolences.
If you’re lucky though, maybe you’ll get a small rock with a “You Rock!” printout next time.
Not stand up. David Sedaris, his life essays, not the short stories.
The Ship Shape, amiright?
Honestly, bread is a good start for something beyond defrosting frozen food on a cookie sheet in the oven.
Water, flour, yeast, and a bit of honey/sugar to start the yeast. Simple ingredients and you sit on your ass gaming/reading for most of it.
And it’s a confidence booster.
Time is often the ultimate commodity. It’s why you see some of the poorest folks grabbing fast food. No time for groceries or cooking in earnest.
How do you fit time for all of what you just said into that work/life schedule?
While everything you say is true, it’s not all scornful.
Some folks work 8-16hrs a day and if they don’t, their child will cry in hunger, the lights get shut off, and immediate needs get difficult.
It’s not all about TV and fast food, it’s about the bottom layer or two of Maslow’s Heirarchy.
It’s why we had riots post George Floyd. People had time (off work) alongside an unemployment check (no scorn as I type that, just laying out some of the contributing variables that made it so.). Hell, lack of social interaction may have brought folks out to where other people were as well.
The root reason can be noble as fuck, but without the right set of circumstances that allows for some assurance of not losing job, roof, health care and such, it ain’t happening, at least not to any effective scale.
Idk what it was about Voyager, it never really popped as a series for me. Mulgrew was great.
She was also great as Red and Flemeth/Mythal (my money is on Mythal anyway).
The rest of the cast was rather blah. No on screen repor.
This is the answer.
Levity can be a great tool for not being dramatically serious about everything such that encounters regarding safety engagement are less confrontational than they otherwise would be.
This, btw, is exemplary of the PNW low level anxiety stuff I refer to when referencing the increased hum anxiety draped over the region as a whole.
I’m not labelling it as good or bad. Just acknowledging that it exists.
OP is right, but so are you and I. Context and individuals involved matter.
This is a leadership problem. The problem really does need to be solved at the top.
The reality is most working class cannot just stop, unless handed a practical alternative because stopping would mean not going to work, not earning income, and being rendered homeless. Likely living in their car first which would put oil consumption right back in play.
Whatever alternative you’re thinking of that the working class might be able to achieve as an individual probably has a buy-in cost. Given the even greater number of folks living paycheck to paycheck in the last two years, that buy-in isn’t a plausible ask.
Sucks. But here we are. Find a cost free (to the working class individual) solution that doesn’t interrupt the 5-6 day/wk work schedule or require any extra costs or moving and you’ll solve it. Until then, working class folks are going to do what they must to keep the lights on and the water running, and that’s usually going to be commuting to work in a gas consuming vehicle. As such, the solution needs to come from the top, not the bottom.
Earnest question. Is there enough lithium on the planet to turn around every vehicle in the United States to electric? Assume infrastructure for charging. Even then, do we even have the lithium, cobalt, manganese, nickel, and graphite or whatever else electric vehicle batteries need for it?
Keep up the good work. Love these.
I don’t suppose there’s a visible article available for those of us who cannot afford to pay each and every news site.
He’s probably sad about the outfit.
I’ll never argue in favor of glitter, but if we’re discussing micro plastics there’s this:
All the synthetic shit cloth you wear and/or sleep on has impact.
Likely to make more impact on this microplastic by buying cotton or bamboo than trying to ban glitter.
Local agencies for healthcare do “flu clinics” every fall. I’ve done this. It’s an easy money, relaxed gig that has no end of RNs and LPNs willing to participate. The agency supplies materials. Only requirement is space to set up. One of those 6ft tables is sufficient, 2 if you want four flu shot lines instead of two. Local businesses use this to supply employees with on site flu shots.
Walgreens and Walmart could do this too, at any time, to relieve their pharm staff of being stacked up with too many tasks. But they don’t.
It’s not a question of workers. More often, it’s a question of the billionaire employers being willing to pay more workers, temporary or otherwise.