What do you call this recipe?
What do you call this recipe?
Debian user here. This is scary accurate.
Last month, the power adapter to my router died out of nowhere. I wasted a ton of time troubleshooting literally everything else other than the power adapter because I’ve never had one die before the actual device itself.
Of course none of the other adapters I had on hand fit. I had to order a new one…
I’ve also been with Premium since the YouTube Red days. It was nice to have peace of mind of no ads on my TV (didn’t need PiHole) and mobile devices (iOS was wrestling with device adblockers for a while). I was grandfathered into the old pricing model until recently. It’s still not that bad per person, but if they raise it too much more, I’m gonna bail.
Considering that this picture wasn’t taken in the USA, I’d say that’s a success on the Americans’ part to anticipate stupidity.
It’s up to the other branches (typically the executive branch) to enforce Supreme Court rulings. Back in the day, when states were way more independent, that’d probably mean mobilizing the National Guard. Nowadays, all the Federal gov has to do is withhold federal subsidies and any state (especially Alabama) will cave quickly.
So, with just one sink, I was doing this maybe once every few months, so maybe 3-4 times a year per sink. Now that I have family staying with me, I have to do this 3-4 times a year per sink. Not bad, but if there’s something I can buy or do to get my time back, I’ll take it.
As far as I know, nothing out of the ordinary is causing the blockage. It’s some combination of hair, soap scum, and toothpaste. It usually all accumulates on the stopper before it even gets to the P-trap.
It’s definitely not a quality brand for sure. The blinds themselves are a pretty cheap paper-like material and tear very easily. I would very much appreciate the metal ones instead.
Not sure why, but ordering online is something I hadn’t even considered. Thanks for the suggestion!
I am not sure if that is what you meant by exercising the tension mechanism
Yep, that’s what I meant. I’ve tried pulling them out perpendicular, at a 45 degree angle, gently tugging on them (as recommended by countless YouTube videos), and even taking it down and pulling the strings myself to try and jumpstart the tension mechanism. No dice.
I have $7 blinds from Menard’s, so I am not talking expensive or nice by any means
I’m thinking maybe I just bought a bad lot. I bought all of these blinds all at once except for one. The original blinds I bought are starting to fail. The one odd blind I bought a bit later than the rest is still going strong. Same brand although it is made slightly different than the others. Thanks for the info though - I’ll try store brand again and hope for better luck!
I also work for Big Corp and you hit the nail on the head. I saw big career growth this past year after I started working on a very visible project vs. when I was working on the small, technical stuff.
Now that I think about it, it was the same way at Midsize Corp too…
Imagine at 00:59 minutes elapsed, your boss enters and informs you that it’s actually an upstream data issue and that no changes are required.
Have to agree. Discord added a forum post view to popular communities which is sorta like Reddit, but not really. For really large communities, the noise from high traffic channels is tough to filter out.
I played this game for Christmas with my parents! For fun, they offered me $10 or a scratch-off. For the heck of it, I took the scratch-off and won $40. With the way my luck went last month, I’d have to pick the lottery ticket.