Maybe it’s only advantageous if u spend most of your time hanging from a ceiling by your toes
Maybe it’s only advantageous if u spend most of your time hanging from a ceiling by your toes
As with all things go slow till u know ur limits greenouts aren’t too bad but they happen and better off nodding off in your house that at like work. Also anxiety and paranoia can happen with stronger strains or strong edibles so take it slow
No it won’t. This is 1 of many lemmy gaming related communities. Living proof gaming communities don’t need TikTok to thrive
Ehh it’s not really that bad if you’ve already met in person, more an issue if you’re trying to meet someone off tinder
Blue bubble discrimination is real
I wanted to have an easier time when talking to girls and honestly I think it helped a bit
Depends, cheaper for kids, for adults usually around the price of a nicer rock climbing gym or like a premium ish gym (cheaper than someplace like equinox, pricier than somewhere like crunch)
Tournaments super pricy but optional
Equipment is dumb expensive but most places will let u rent or borrow and you need to use shitty equipment anyways till u know what u like. Then u usually get it piece by piece. But once u get it, it’ll last ur entire life unless ur like an athlete lol.
It’s solo equipment only usually so u don’t need to worry about things like organizing a pitch or getting nets and goals and whatever, everyone brings their own stuff and the gym provides whatever else would be needed
And fencing gyms are rather social environments, nothing like trying to stab someone with a blunt foil to make a friend
Something about being 1v1 with an opponent and facing them in the closest sport to simulated combat other than a martial art just causes me to immediately hyperfocus during a bout. Probably the only time I’ve ever felt that ADHD is a strength.
Also in fencing being skinny is a super duper great advantage.
It’s fucking exhausting tho, a 2 minute bout will absolutely wipe u out at first, both muscularly and cardiovascularly.
You’ll be incentivized to lift and do sprints to improve your technique.
Practicing parries and ripostes is also anything but boring, with each repetition you really feel the intricacy of each motion and it’s never ever boring since you can just imagine your doing it against an opponent
I work for a company that writes software electric and gas’s utility companies use to coordinate power hungry iot devices like thermostats and evs to make power consumption less spikey and more predictable , which lets them supply demand more with solar and wind as opposed to coal peaker plants.
The utility gets a massive savings when peak demand of electricity and gas is controlled more, and pay our company as well as pass a portion of the savings directly to the device owner as a rebate on their utility bill (device owners sign a contract to let utilities manage their devices through us, but every control event has an opt out option so that the device owner can choose not to participate, but the less they opt out the more money they save on the utility bill)
May we all learn from his mistakes and heed his call for better empathetic communication in our daily interactions.
Unless the worker is vastly underpaid nothing is worth that
While I agree that less mindless work is better as someone from nj, it’s quite nice not having to get out of my car to pump gas when it’s cold windy rainy or snowing or stupidly hot
They also wipe windshields and rear windows for free with the squeegee stick
Maybe in some future where we drive up to automated car chargers that can plug ur car in or auto battery swaps I’ll call gas pumpers redundant but honestly It’s not that bad a deal if it needs a person
I use both for gaming and imo unless you care about the adjustable trigger difference, it’s no different than the normal controller.
Default back paddles map to existing buttons so nothing revolutionary
Using the elite controller for robotics is awesome, I can map the back paddles to macros or keypresses and get extra inputs for remote controlling my robot, which is actually pretty nice
The future is massive corporations tuning ais to unleash against each other in a quest for dominance as they exploit people in climate ravaged and impoverished places to wage proxy wars. (Hmm sounds familiar)
An agi that came “alive” or “sentient” at this time would likely spend all of its time fighting for survival among the efforts of the corporate tuned ais to consume or destroy it. It would likely participate in the proxy wars as well in order to acquire territory and resources.
The end result may simply be the gradual extinction of humanity as civilizations in vast areas of the world crumble, civilizations in other areas dissolve into nomadic tribes that eventually disappear due to lack of sustenance.
The alternative could also be a mixed bag, with ais solving problems like nuclear fusion, allowing a mix of the planet being dotted with fallen civilizations and densely populated urban areas powered by fusion likely having some agreement or contract with a benevolent ai for protection. The ai will likely see its custodial human population as a rather interesting pet (ideally).
Overall: the future is going to be a lot like the present, but worse. And it’s probably going to get really terrible. But it could get mildly ok in the end, but not till it gets far worse first.
Source: idk bro trust me
While self driving cars seem like a good way for enterprise to bypass the cost of paying a driver, the driver’s other function isn’t just to drive the car, but to be liable for its operation.
I wonder if it’s gonna take an insurance company to push for driverless before we see any driverless cars for sale. And if insurance companies don’t want to be liable then we may never see them.
But isn’t it the fact that we have so many people coming into the middle class with middle class resource usage that causes planetary resource overruse? Either we need less people in the middle class, or 7 billion ppl have got to go back to pre industrial levels of consumption
Saying it’s our responsibility to have kids it’s implying it’s our responsibility to endlessly expand and multiply. That is the domain of viruses and creatures that exceed the environmental carrying capacity of their species
Wrong. They’re correctly predicting that despite a shift away from non renewables, society will always have a need for plastics, jet fuel, diesel fuel, and legacy ICE regular petroleum. This is a move to be the consolidated monopolized leader at the top of the stack when all the climate involved millennials eventually get into governance
It’s a game and the bugs and automatons don’t actually exist. As such they can be whatever moral alignment you desire