Presto is amazing!!! So much of their 90s-00s discography is so slept on.
Presto is amazing!!! So much of their 90s-00s discography is so slept on.
Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti
Tool - 10,000 Days
Rush - Test for Echo
Metallica - Metallica
Rush - Clockwork Angels
Michael Jackson - HIStory
[bodyendtag] - Information Superhighway
Kumi Koda - BEST 2000-2020
A Perfect Circle - Mer de Noms
Chapter cliffhangers are fun! I want to be engaged and wonder what will happen next. If the story itself ends on a cliffhanger… I guess that kinda depends. Is it setting up for a sequel? Is the author leaning into ambiguity? Both can work if the author can pull it off. I don’t think I would drop a fic for cliffhangers; I usually drop fics when I stop caring about the story/characters, or reading the story feels more like a chore than something fun that I look forward to.
Get out while you still can! Go make friends and have a real life! Don’t repeat my mistakes! XD
Jokes aside, I would advise to keep on keepin’ on. :) And stop doomscrolling fanfic_rants trying to figure out what you shouldn’t write based on people’s pet peeves and annoyances. Yes, people are needlessly critical but tbh you’re gonna be writing rarepairs and rare fandoms so readers will have to engage with your stuff anyway or make their own :P
I stopped crossposting my stuff to ffnet around 2017. A lot of effort for not much return. AO3 is just so much nicer to look at, navigate, and add tags/summaries (boo @ ffnet’s summary character limit). And AO3 allows all the whack stuff I write (explicit, original works, RPF) so it’s pretty much a one-stop shop. I might peek at ffnet if I’m desperate for fic, especially for old shows who had their heyday before AO3, but if I’m that desperate I’m usually writing my own fic at that point.
Mitchell, Manos, and Pod People are probably a three-way tie for me. Some of my underrated favorites are Girls Town, The Incredible Melting Man, The Giant Spider Invasion, Teen-Age Crime Wave, and Kitten With a Whip.