Bisexual orgy with lots of sex toys.
Bisexual orgy with lots of sex toys.
Killed by giant snake.
The bolt thrower in painkiller.
Definitely the flak cannon. But I also really liked th3 disk gun, especially the sound of disks flying past you.
Oh wow, I totally forgot that it was in xkcd. Thanks for reminding me.
Yes. Fixed it.
A friend of mine introduced the “creepiness rule”:
if ((age_of_older_partner / 2) - 7 > age_of_younger_partner) {
let creepy = true;
I think it is a pretty good approximation.
🎶so we tell tall tales…🎶
Being so used to sleeping naked that it feels very weird and uncomfortable when I have to sleep with clothes on.
If you have chopped chilies in the hours before sex, wash your hands extremely well!
“I find the most erotic part of a woman is the boobies.”
zsh with grml config because I’m too lazy to make my own config.
Laut Wikipedia war es ein in Griechenland geborener Kanadier. Source
The cutting tool from prusaslicer works pretty well for this. For the aesthetics, I just try to align the cuts as natural as possible in the model.
Different ones. Dildos, vibrators, whatever… Using Toys is fun.
I also don’t undetstand why toys are so rarely seen in porn involving multiple people.