I don’t think so. As I see it in the Lemmyverse there are threads without comments (image posts for example) but if there’s a topic with a question or where opinions can made you can find activity there.
Yeah, it’s not a million subscriber reddit community level activity, but it’s still activity.
I think people sometime think they deserve the same experience on a different environment just because they are used to one behavior pattern. As more and more people sign up for a Fediverse instance there is a chance the number of people who thinks like that will increase.
For them I recommend to think twice before they become impatient. Fediverse is for people, by people. Who usually work on their instance in their free time.
As a conclude I would like to thank most of the Fediverse instance operators and users for what they are doing. Without them the Fediverse would be a deserted place.
In normal circumstances you should’ve got a weekly work time schedule where it’s written down and if there’s no work for Saturday in that schedule then the call for Saturday work can be ignored. (Munka törvénykönyve 97. § (4).)
Thanks to “veszélyhelyzet” (bruh) that rule is temporarily changed now for national defense employees. (120/2020. (IV. 16.) Korm. rendelet 5. § (7).) If my interpretation is right that rule should remain unchanged for employees who are not a national defense employee.
I think you should read Munka törvénykönyve 56. A rendkívüli munkaidő too.
I think you should search for an another doctor if you can. You don’t have to visit your old general practitioner to sign up at a new one, they can exchange data behind the scenes.