I’ve got a hang-over pet policy from when I was a baby leftist to abolish rents on land, but with a twist: Any exchange of money for the use of a property is a sale. It’s absolutely financial neo bullshit but I can’t take it off my mind.
The idea being that if, over time, you pay the landlord for maintenance + the value of the house, you get the title for the house, and this is the law and you can go to court, prove that you’ve paid for rent over however many years, and get the title of the house.
If you leave before that there’d be some system where the “rent” payments are split equally and you get the value back from whoever is currently living there, because you’re selling your share to them. Since the payments are split equally minority “shareholders” leave first. If nobody lives there but you’re paying taxes and maintenance, you still paying for the house so you accrue shares of the house.
I think it might be palatable for neolibs, destroy the value of homes for rent-seeking, but preserve it for construction, which is what libs always complain about when you talk about abolishing rent.
How are you decoding the H.264 MVC video?