I don’t even know what they were trying to do with the exit dungeon bump of 5s. Like why? Just to irritate everyone for no real reason in particular.
I am not me
I don’t even know what they were trying to do with the exit dungeon bump of 5s. Like why? Just to irritate everyone for no real reason in particular.
I did task rabbit for a while a few years back and put together a fair number of IKEA ones. They aren’t the cheapest but damned if they aren’t solid af.
Not if I stop you! leans back in chair
There’s no debate, it’s pizza.
I would 100% fix that
Basically middle finger to UX because branding. I can’t stand this clown.
Welcome to “windows as a service”. At this point Windows is basically like a freemium app.
Now that’s a paddlin’
Yeah no shit lol. On my last job which gave you about as much power as a 3 year old, I got real good with making it look like I was doing work.
Most businesses think “process” is critical but all process did was make me do 90% bullshit and 10% real work.
I could have done my last job in 2 days if it was just me doing things.
The problem is most of the idiots in charge think if we moved to a 4 day work week we’d do the work of 3 days.
I for one hope the next generations don’t die behind a desk while the guy you work for is off on a yacht living life like it was 1999.
I think any smart run company left Twitter the moment Elon took over (in his own eclectic way carrying a kitchen sink).
Just one, one drop in a sea of lunacy and megalomania. But that’s Elon. Now if this guy took over a company that directly impacted your profits, what would you do?
The real sad thing is that even if he is the Yahoo to Tumblr, it won’t impact him one iota. He’ll still be rich as all creation and people will still fawn over him and listen to what he has to say.
Bruh, till I read this I was so confused, like Adobe is taking on Adobe? lol, what?
One small change can lead to a totally divergent path. Think about it this way. You are supposed to meet your SO today at work. But you forgot to brush. No big deal. Right? Well your SO says hello, so you say it back and then she gets a whiff. Well end of conversation and that’s that. No wife. No kids. Not with her.
Or maybe you miss that buss that you barely caught. Or maybe you win the lotto at 19 and that changes everything for you.
You’re thinking wrong if you think lives have to be drastically different in every way for it to manifest as a whole new life. It can be the smallest thing but that tiny, infinitesimal thing can lead to a cascade of change or shunt people down an entirely different path.
Lastly, your ancestors would also be subject to these events, making all their lives very different as well.
Butterfly Effect.
You don’t sound like you weren’t around the Windows Vista/Longhorn development days when they promised a successor to NTFS and then over the course of the next couple of years, would bail on that (and nearly every other promise made).
WinFS: https://www.zdnet.com/article/bill-gates-biggest-microsoft-product-regret-winfs/
And FWIW, they are developing ReFS, which looks like it will finally supplant NTFS, but given MS’ business model, don’t expect NTFS to ever really disappear.
There is no ecosystem as mature, polished and integrated as Apple’s. I am all in with them and the way all their devices and services work together is just marvellous.
But the answer to your general question is you will need to go all in on a single company. And TBH, you should. They are all bad to some degree. But cobbling together a pipeline of various manufacturers will always result in a terrible experience, and you’ll be generally paying the same for it anyway.
There is no ecosystem as mature, polished and integrated as Apple’s. I am all in with them and the way all their devices and services work together is just marvellous.
But the answer to your general question is you will need to go all in on a single company. And TBH, you should. They are all bad to some degree. But cobbling together a pipeline of various manufacturers will always result in a terrible experience, and you’ll be generally paying the same for it anyway.
What “inspired by”, buddy literally just jacked that X from the font. What a company boy…
PS: FWIW, Musk says that’s the “interim” logo (lol).
I don’t really get why anyone would do this to their bikes. They aren’t built to tow things. Also that one on the gold wing or whatever it is is so suss, like pretty sure you’d get looked at sideways by the cops in most places.
User: Hey new Siri, turn the living room lights off. New Siri: Ok I’ve hired a hit man to kill your grandma. User: thanks… wait what? New Siri: What?
TBH all the models were quite good. Never had one that wasn’t solidly built. I think the Bekant was the best but also likely their most expensive.