Well… In that case the downvotes are deserved to be fair.
ihan normi koodi työ ukko
Well… In that case the downvotes are deserved to be fair.
This is very true. You even got a down vote for saying it.
I want to hear the quotes and questions! And no, you can’t copyright any of that.
I honestly found it funny in a kind of a cute way, but I guess others didn’t feel that way. Oh well, such is life sometimes.
Not to be a dick or anything, but I found it funny that you chose to mention the political career and your opinion of him. Nice touch, but very much irrelevant. Keep up the good work!
Definitely not getting the appreciation he deserves here. I wonder if people downvoted just because it’s Bezos without watching the video?
There actually already exists an international phonetic alphabet, which can be applied to English as well and is used in teaching English. Here. It would actually be pretty cool to see this used more in writing.
Basically any documentary about climate change. No jump scares, but leaves you with an existential dread that fiction can’t just quite match.
I find taking break is a normal part of good exercise routine. You need recovery time, after all.
To get back to it, I usually start small. 30 minute easy run or gym usually does it for me, and by the end of it I actually want to do more. My thinking process is usually something like “I don’t feel like going, but I owe myself at least 30 minutes. Tomorrow I’ll do something more.”
If you say so. However, feel free to be one of those people who discover later in life how their quality of life drastically went up with a bit of jogging or going to the gym. “If I had figured this out younger, I would have …” and so on.
Do you even lift bro?
Seriously though, doing some exercise could fix both of those problems. Kicking extinct fish doesn’t count.
Yes, I thought all magic works like that.
I wish this was possible without the whole god thing. What do you do during prayers etc.? Whenever I’ve attended a baptism or a funeral or some such, all I can think about is how much mana the priest is using when casting the bless on the audience. It gets so awkward.
No, it’s actually a comment section for a Youtube video, and it is appropriate to voice an opinion related to it here.
The meme you’re parroting fits better when someone goes wildly off-topic, which is not what happened here.
I see, that explains it. Would have been useful to put that somewhere in the title or video description, tho.
I have to say I’m not terribly big fan of videos with a title that is opposite of the message. It feels cheap. “Don’t do X unless you want [long list of benefits of doing X]”. Why do we need this?
A few years ago many countries were marketing themselves with “Don’t go to [country name]”, and it was cringe already then.
Edit: I actually didn’t have any patience to watch the video initially, apart from skimming here and there, so I missed the fact that the speaker hasn’t seen the slides beforehand and it’s some kind of a joke presentation. Would have been nice to see it in the title or video description.
They usually talk very slow and try to understand that some things need a longer explanation. It helps me learn things good.
I think they wanted people who follow orders to the dot, not people who have a sense of humor. Sounds like a terrible place to work, but I still understand their reasoning.
Bojack was pure gold. No idea about the rest.
That freedom becomes misery on the instant you have to start maintain the code from some other free spirit, whose style is totally different from yours.