midnight murder club is the name
midnight murder club is the name
mega man battle network
I’ll add polished crystal as well
Hercules PS1, Myst and Riven
I’ve had fun with Pokemon Unite although it’s very easy
agreed, I’m staying hopeful it’ll improve lives for most when used efficiently, at the cost of others losing jobs, sadly.
on the other hand, wealth inequality will worsen until policies change
always felt like this game needed co-op
because of a century of brainwashing propaganda put out by the meat industry, funded by taxpayers
the cycle of epic adding new features and people who dont play fornite complaining
pc update on the 19th!
you’ll miss some references but the prequels have a separate story from the trilogy
god of war (2 games)
on top of this, in the US, most workers have unpaid lunch breaks to some of us are stuck at work for 45 hour weeks, plus commute times are increasing over time so we’re practically spending 50+ hours a week committed to our job with the same pay from a decade ago
shadow of the colossus, metal gear solid 3 substistence
sometimes it be ya own people
at least the torrent community will still thrive
not in America when you can get fired anytime
game freak games look awful, HudSoft Pokemon games always lookes great