Just a bastard roaming around the world
Maybe, but I had no idea this was tied to a country. I thought it was a novelty tld, like xyz and art. You know, like input/output so io.
Jesus Christ this will be a major pain in the ass if it goes through… I’m really not in the mood of having to reconfigure all my self hosted services to a new domain.
Funny enough, I find Gnome to be more consistent and better thought than macOS… But that’s just me.
Adobe Creative Cloud, which despite the name is pretty much local. And although Microsoft Office works online, it has a series of issues that the desktop version doesn’t have, like broken formatting on Word.
The thing that irks me the most is that those things work. They’ll see a little complain from the most vocal ones, and that’s it. The revenue will increase, their shareholders will be pleased, the OS will be worse, and we’ll have no viable alternative.
Unless governments start to regulate the hell out of tech companies, it’s only downhill from there.
Edit: about Linux, it’s not viable if you’re outside IT or rely on commercial software. That’s a debate for another post.
Ah yes, let’s go back to that amazing time of pure innovation where every fucking company had their own connector standard for data, power and audio. Good times.
Im cautiously curious to see if they can pull it off.
Oh Jesus Christ this shit is getting more abstract by the minute, and the scary part is that I’m getting it. how long until people start laughing at a TV noise screenshot?
We’ll have a battery that will be thousands of times more energy dense that what we have today. The tech industry will make those the size of a rice grain so we can have thinner products and the exact same battery life of electronics today. 😑
NARRATOR’S VOICE: They didn’t.
Considering that’s one of the two objects humanity ever have on direct contact with the medium outside the limits of our solar system, and the only tool we’ll have there for at least four decades, I’d argue that yes, it is pretty valuable.
The repair from distance part is nothing to be shy about, too.
Excellent! This will guarantee that I’ll have no Copilot running on my machine.
Not good enough, it should have cancelled the feature altogether.
None, still waiting for third party stores.
That’s a trend I was hoping the EU would start. Come on nations, jump on the bandwagon!
It looks like a chicken and egg problem: you don’t have commercial software available on Linux so people won’t use it, so you don’t have enough user base to justify the development of Linux versions. This won’t be solved unless a big company like Valve decides that Linux is the way and start solving basic issues like usability and installation of apps.