That whole geography thing only works if we remain united. That’s no longer a given in my book.
That whole geography thing only works if we remain united. That’s no longer a given in my book.
Super surprised to see Publix leading this list.
Thought he was a cerebus for a second.
No. They’re extinct.
This is an exciting discovery! 20 light years away is relatively close, but obviously still out of reach for quite a while.
I read this article just to learn what slur was used, but they only lost it as t*****. I’m just going to assume the hurtful slur is trumpy.
Tesla and Shitter can both fail and he’ll still be fine as long as they get Starship working reliably. Kessler Syndrome is probably the only move left that he’s afraid of.
People who stand in the way of this type of thing are be risking jail and death.
Fuck that website. Every time I start reading it readjusts the page.
Hmmm. Will they rule for the rich guys or the public at large? 🤔
Have the Army recall him to active duty and try him under the UCMJ.
I think the Democratic Party should dump the donkey and make the eagle their animal mascot or whatever.
They’ll just pivot to forced/arranged marriage then.
Why stop at edible? Let’s make them delicious.!
From the people that brought you Fake News, we now present… Fake School.
My favorite of late was the congressman who said the eclipse was a result of our hedonistic ways. Surely the moon would move to a different orbit if we made trans illegal.
If you get them young enough, you can avoid that troublesome think for yourself phase.
I don’t even understand what they’re asking for here? Are they suggesting that the Supreme Court can overturn a state conviction? I didn’t think that was allowed, but if any court is corrupt enough to do it I suppose it’s this one.
Oh, they definitely do care about schools.That’s where middle age conservatives meet their wives.
Haha. I agree with Doug Ford. That’s some shit I never thought I’d think.