Pores in latex condoms bigger than the AIDS virus.
Fuck a science class, that motherfucker shouldn’t have been allowed near the school.
I am an electric meat robot.
Pores in latex condoms bigger than the AIDS virus.
Fuck a science class, that motherfucker shouldn’t have been allowed near the school.
“I’m tired of chasing my dreams. I’m just gonna find out where they’re going and hook up with them later.” - Mitch Hedberg
Tom Holland still workin’ it.
Conclusion: Goofy and adorable.
Miss you, Mitch.
Taymor’s Titus still blows my mind. I recommend it to everybody.
I dunno, man, chickentank could either be an AT-ST or Metal Gear.
A white-knuckle shootout in a sandblasted derelict office building set to “Glasgow Mega-Snake” by Mogwai was a simultaneously pleasant and harrowing surprise.
Somehow, JNCO has returned.
Anything that keeps the kids talking about Homestar Runner is OK in my book.
They’d have to put up with the Pink Floyd/Jethro Tull syndrome of people thinking Brian Disease is the name of the lead singer.
Thanks. Nice username btw.
Does it need to be rock? 'Cause “Isobel” by Björk is a banger too.
You can get around all of this if you score yourself an invite to hereiswhereyougetallthetorrents.bananas
No true Scotsman would say “no proper Scotsman.”
You might like to know of Amen Andrews. It’s one of Luke Vibert’s aliases, so you know to expect quality.
Fuck the Cato Institute.