@Bro666 yes the issues is in the Donerbox element.
It doesn’t resize on Firefox and there aren’t embedded scrollbars. So when you get to the 3rd screen you can’t progress
Issue affects desktop and mobile versions of Firefox.
@Bro666 yes the issues is in the Donerbox element.
It doesn’t resize on Firefox and there aren’t embedded scrollbars. So when you get to the 3rd screen you can’t progress
Issue affects desktop and mobile versions of Firefox.
@Toes I have the real reason!
I tried to donate and the recurring webpage won’t render in browser or desktop Firefox.
Also it is in Euro’s with no information on what that is in your local currency.
Lastly I haven’t heard of a single bank in the list of direct debit list.
Basically I think they’ve made it too hard for UK/USA/RoW to donate.
@Toes @parens KDE has similar market share as Gnome and thats despite Gnome being the default.
I suspect it’s because Thunderbird appeals to the GNU crowd being GPLv2 and written in C. They are quite loud and active.
I think most people who use KDE aren’t as vocal or ardent in their free software beliefs
@Fleppensteijn @leopold its a Nvidia issue.
For years Nvidia tried pushing an alternative Linux driver called EGL, everyone told them it couldn’t support Wayland
Eventually Nvidia tried to implement EGL backends to Gnome and KDE (this resulted in the buggy apps). Nvidia then declared their new cards would support GBM.
This leaves the 10xx-30xx cards stuck on EGL with no one supporting the EGL backends. Nvidia have made it so GBM support can’t be added by outsiders to those cards either.
@cyborganism @kde Debian
The last stable release supplies 5.27.
@axiomatic @golemwire@librem.one @kde@floss.social @kde@lemmy.kde.social
Floss.social relates to a mastodon instance, that is the fediverse version of twitter.
lemmy.kde.social is an instance of Lemmy a Fediverse version of Reddit.
The activity pub definition means lemmy posts are kinda visible of mastodon and you can reply from mastodon.
@Bro666 That links works, but running the latest Firefox on Debian bookworm, MacOS and Andriod I get the following: