Cannot understand normal things
Cannot understand normal things
Spoiler: they still don’t and to believe they do is silly.
It doesn’t matter, they still have your data.
What could possibly go wrong?
Oh no, anyway.
I’m OOTL. What’s with all the “rule” posts?
Good job Sherlock, that’s exactly what I did; saffron and water. It’s an old recipe that I’ve used pretty much all my life. Thanks for sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong. 
Sounds like you’ve been smoking some herb. It’s saffron jack ass.
Nah. I can read above 4th grade.
You’re clearly not reading the post, you replied to. He has been charged but not proven guilty, yet.
I didn’t know sheep could walk in the mud
Cocaine will make you swell up like that
Enjoy your $2.37
Well, looks like the Memmy is just as judgmental as Reddit ever was. it’s saffron, not oil.
How do I remove this pinned post from my feed?
He should be in jail at this very moment. Every minute that passes and he isn’t punished, makes our justice system more feckless.