I’m not sure what to make of that in context. Do you mean that we should just suck it up?
I’m not sure what to make of that in context. Do you mean that we should just suck it up?
And another thing. Its America’s job to police this mess, they installed him either directly or indirectly. The rest of the world didn’t ask or vote for this dangerous toddler.
Given that there are no ideal moves in any direction, I feel that standing up to the bully is the only option on the table. They failed to do that in 1939.
That conspiracy that Trump was recruited by the Soviets as an agent in the 1980s is sounding less and less of a conspiracy every day.
Didn’t one of the space shuttles almost holed by a fleck of paint?
Taking something away and then restoring it seems a rather low bar for a Noble Peace Prize?
I dunno why, but this guy actually looks as if he was a plastic straw maker.
Trump’s base is a lost cause, but the pain may get the soft Dem voters to get off their arses and turn out for the next election.
Nothing will shift Maga, so appealing to them is wasted.
Must not have read the fine print before joining.
No need to advise us outlanders not to visit the US. We have eyes and working brains.
It’s a fun horror franchise to watch, tho. Great script - a tad unrealistic.
You make Supreme Court judges political appointees, all of this was always going to happen at some point.
All you needed was the right guy to pull the levers.
The night of the long knives.
Sorry, still don’t argue with strangers on the internet by personal attacks. I grew out of that a long time ago. But you do you.
All true. Thank you for taking the trouble in explaining your position.
I thought so too at first, but he kept on repeating the typo, so I’m not sure?
None of that relates to the concept of free speech.
Trump has been lying through his teeth since the moment he could talk. I don’t see either him being penalized nor anybody trying to stop him. It’s got nothing to do with contracts.
Also, I never said that free speech had no limits. If you were to follow the thread you would see that I have nominated a bunch.
Sorry, you crossed the line when you made a ad hominem attack.
I don’t get personal in debates, I let the point of view do the heavy lifting.
See ya.
I already said that there were limitations to free speech earlier. But untruth is also protected under the US Constitution. It all relates to a possibility of harm.
If i said that I was the Easter Bunny, it would be a lie, but who is harmed by it?
If I falsely yell fire in a crowded theatre and people get trampled, then harm, or a risk of harm is evident.
These are all standard arguments on free speech. But, yes, there are many carve outs where an untrue statement is protected under law. I just don’t have the time or inclination to list them all. You can check them out yourself.
Don’t fret… I have absolutely no expectations that Americans can pull out of this power dive. I just hope that most of the damage will be self inflicted.