Enjoy your drink 😄 Hyvää juhannusta! Glad midsommar!
Enjoy your drink 😄 Hyvää juhannusta! Glad midsommar!
I was browsing my comment history and stumbled upon this so I decided to finally open the bottle of Besk. Very strange taste. I wasn’t expecting anything like this. Doesn’t taste similar to other supposedly wormwood infused liquors like absinthe or vermouth. I’ve never tasted anything like this. Sort of minty note in bitter flavor I can’t describe. This is certainly not my favorite bitter but if I was ever offered one I would happily drink it.
At first I read SIMD bucks and I thought they must take optimizing code seriously.
Someone commented on my post about Devil World that what I experienced was Tetris effect. When I was scrolling vertically on my phone I would occasionally experience sideways scrolling similar to the game mechanic even though there certainly wasn’t any sideways scrolling happening.
Another one was when I was playing Portal. Traveling via portals became my usual method to move around in every dream I had those days.
Can you give an example how that would happen?
It’s the same way in Finnish.
Yes it does. I think it’s that way because it’s in locative case even though it doesn’t make the word itself look any different. English sort of has cases and doesn’t.
It works similarly in Latin. You don’t say ad domum. You only say domum.
If you happened to like one of your test bakings particularly then you couldn’t reproduce it as accurately unless your method is consistent enough. So you wouldn’t benefit that much if the test was success, I suppose. But I don’t really do much baking so I don’t know how difficult it is to get it right and how much it matters.
I think he meant having the 3,5 mm jack in a phone.
Maybe their necklaces and earrings don’t adhere to OSHA regulations. I don’t know. Everyone has to use their own judgement when posting and I think it’s better to mark NSFW when in doubt, but there seems to be at least two different ways people use NSFW feature so sometimes the choice of using an NSFW tag might not make sense.
The idea I had was just so ridiculously evil I just had to teil about it 😄
If you think about it the rock and tape hack can be easily prevented, but I’m not going to elaborate any further as to not give them more ideas.
So even if someone came up with a system whereby they expected you to watch an ad before the power would flow, you could always just plug in and walk away. How are they going to know you’re physically there?
How about a button located near the ad screen and speaker that you have to hold like at least 80% of ad duration. If you failed to reach 80% it would reset to 0 and show you another ad so you can try again.
Why is this downvoted? They’re similar words and could be mixed up. Apparently it’s silicone.
You mean collage? I agree. I think your suggestion would work best if it was also made to look like an obvious collage. If it was accurately photoshopped to look like the penguins were actually there it would look silly.
I played it occasionally but, as you said, it wasn’t very interesting game for young children. I guess it was interesting only subconsciously (the vivid dreams I mentioned in the other comment). Maybe it would have been fun game if I were an adult at the time.
We didn’t really have arcade in our town but there were some coin-operated games around. I think it wasn’t very long period of time they had Polybius but I remember playing it occasionally during that time. I was quite young so I didn’t fully understand the gameplay and can’t really recall any elements of it anymore. Only thing I do remember is I used to have vivid dreams about it when I hadn’t played it for a while. That sort of made me interested to play it again every once in a while. Though I must have been terrible at that game so I don’t know why I even tried it that many times.
I didn’t really thought about it when they had changed the machine to different one. I would rather play the Street Fighter II or whatever they had put there instead because it was much easier game to understand. There have been occasional dreams I’ve had much later in my life about this game but other than that I don’t really think about it. Sometimes after having that kind of vivid dream I do think for a while that it would be nice to give it a try again but I don’t know if they have the game anywhere or if it’s possible to emulate via MAME.
Would you agree that man page with good example section of common use cases would better serve the purpose or do you think there has to be separate tool to show only a short summary of the manual?
I assume you use a card view instead of list view. In list view every picture is shown as thumbnail. Even if there were no pictures this long you have to scroll way more in card view than in list view.
I like to read this word the same American way Louis Rossmann once said it if it’s written like this. If it’s written smörgåsbord my inner voice gets a Swedish accent.