This is me. Blood pressure went down as fuck. Spent an hour lying on bed trying not to pee but still believing I already did several times, unable to walk. So fun.
This is me. Blood pressure went down as fuck. Spent an hour lying on bed trying not to pee but still believing I already did several times, unable to walk. So fun.
I once pulled a 3 ft string it out my cat’s throat because he was helplessly swallowing the whole thing. It was gross and uncomfortable at least, of not painful for him, but I think we Dodge a bullet that day. That was under supervision. The thing with strings is they feel the necessity to swallow them when they reach their throats. Yeah they go crazy with it.
I can run Arch Linux (BTW!) in a potato with starch RAM!
I’ll just wait until Windows 10 reaches EOL. My expectative is that, by then, someone has created an ISO with the option of offline accounts enabled or Microsoft just gave up with this nonsense. IrIf not, I have Nobara already set up in dual boot. Proton is getting better and better by the day, anyway.
As interesting as it is crazy. My experience was completely unsolicited. The podologist, a health professional, out of the blue, started talking about this miraculous solution and showed it to me: looked like antifreeze liquid. Discarded the comment, the pandemic topic was still fresh and a go-to conversation, so she went back to the CD as a treatment for COVID-19. I was skepticly interested by then, threw a couple of questions and she started talking about its supposedly scientific evidence. Then she used the word “protocols”, as if it was the most serious matter to her.
She already had my number so, asked politely if she could send me some documents and evidence of the treatment and its protocols. I told her yes, sure, let’s see what’s all about. After treating my infected nail, a couple of hours later, a new WhatsApp conversation with lots of documents and videos appeared in my inbox. I was baffled, so angry too, fucking quacks deceiving desperate people suffering from all kinds of illnesses, just for the money and attention.
Quite literal. The Chlorine Dioxide Solution scam came to me through a podologist a year or so ago. What makes this outstanding to me, it’s they succeeded at having some academic backup, though, completely out of context. It’s an absolute rabbit hole, you are warned.
Related to pine resin, pine tar shampoos and soaps are widely used in dermatology. Diseases like seborrheic dermatitis and rosacea can be treated with these products. The scientific background comes from the antifungal, antiseptic and healing properties of some acids contained in the tar, like abietic acid.
The smartlists feature is one of the best factors for me to recommend it. The developer is very open to comments and requests, maybe you can requests this feature in their github.
I’m just a random user, but I’m sure in the github page you can get answers.
Linux is boring. In a good way. It is so boring that each of my computers use different distros. I have Debian, Fedora, Mint, OpenSUSE Tumbleweed and Endeavour OS installed across 4 or 5 computers right now. Some of them still dual-booting Windows 10/11. Now each time I boot into Windows is fun. In a bad way.
Oh. You are so wrong. Is that the mom, the sister, the stepsiblings’s girlfriend?
Can I see more of this?
Yeah, some bartenders wake that kind of behavior in my imagination.
I use both all the time. Organic Maps rendering and navigation feels snappier, even with 2.5D support, and less cluttered, but since I do contribute to OpenStreetMap, OsmAnd is unmatched for editing and access to power tools like up-to-date data, GPS tracking, PDI editions, etc.
Unfortunately, in my country the map is not as complete as the proprietary options, so, using OsmAnd is more practical for me. As a regular user, though, I’d prefer Organic Maps.
We all should hope for that. It’s a bit weird for me that media keeps repeating that things just don’t change or are even worse. This April was bad, it was a month so violent as we haven’t seen in two years. I really hope this doesn’t start a trend.
Es una barbaridad y algo que no debería pasar. No, no existe una tendencia en ese sentido, hay víctimas en todo el espectro político y en estados gobernados por partidos de todas las ideologías. Si lo que te esperas es que el partido en el gobierno tenga menos víctimas por sus supuestos vínculos con el narcotráfico, es completamente al revés: es el partido que hasta hace un par de semanas tenia mas víctimas. También es algo dirigido, pues la tasa de estos homicidios es mucho mayor a la nacional. Existen mecanismos de protección para los candidatos que a veces se activan torpemente o no se activan en absoluto a pesar de ser pedidos, asumo que sí hay casos en los que funcionan esos mecanismos de protección. Casi todas las víctimas son del nivel municipal, que es más vulnerable a la corrupción de los carteles por asimetría de poder.
Oh. Earth will be fine, then? Now we can breathe easy.