For one thing, it seemed that the world was thinner than she had ever imagined.
And reality wider.
Was it ever rude? Like, get going. Obviously need a wake up either way.
As others have mentioned the way you honk can be rude. And honking too quickly.
When I was quite a bit younger, The Mask freaked me right out. On top of the Goosebumps episode about a mask overtaking you, I straight up refused to put any on for the longest time. Still don’t love them.
The start of the Goofy Movie, during Max’s dream…those dark vibes hit me hard. Would wait in the bathroom until it was done.
The Ring was a big one because my “friend” called and did the whole “seven days…” thing. Before we had caller IDs. The same friend made me watch Darkness Falls, and I think I repressed it all because I remember nothing about it other than hating the whole experience.
Not much of a scary movie fan to this day. Go figure.
Seriously, sometimes calling in every once in a while and getting some stuff down around the house, the yard, or actually enjoying a hobby - does wonders for the mental health.
Skipping work when you feel productive and refreshed vs only when you feel like shit - should be a thing (aka mental health days ran in tangent with sick time).
Saw her at a local university, she was a fantastic speaker and I learned lots! Happy I got to experience her.
What a treasure.
Rest in peace. ❤
I definitely tend to agree with you in terms of being in the middle. But the middle is such a vast, grey area that is hard to pinpoint exactly where the middle is.
Is there no way to block a particular instance for the individual (I’ve never tried)? I feel like if there is a way for individuals to do so, why not put it in their hands? And if not, is it possible to make it so they can? Kind of removes the need for an entire instance to make any calls in the first place.
But I’m very much new to the federation universe and incredibly dumb in terms of computer/internet workings.
The early days of YouTube, spurred our own shitty video making within our group of friends. OG Neopets and Habbo Hotel were peak socializing with strangers on the internet. MSN allowed me to actually talk to people I knew in a way that was harder to do in person, helped me form relationships I wouldn’t have normally had.
Neopets was probably my first time delving headfirst into forums. It was a neat thing where you can join guilds, sometimes super niche ones where everyone is just as into the thing as you are, and just talk to similar-minded people.
It was a cool feeling as someone from a rural town in the middle of Canada.
We can only handle so much shit in a shit post.
Is there any evidence of controlled burns being done on a regular basis? Forest fires are, unfortunately, a circle of life thing and are necessary. With the ongoing issues happening more and more, earlier and earlier are they at least considering this option?
This is going to the biggest blow to me tbh. So many nuanced problems have been found on Reddit. Hoping some of the data can be transferred elsewhere vs completely deleted but it isn’t looking that way.
Right? Like we need to really start realizing that being uncomfortable can actually be a positive thing. Allows us to push past our norm and open our minds to different perspectives. We might not always like it. We might not always understand it. But we learn something, whether it be about ourselves or others.
Not super grungey but definitely alternative, give Band of Skulls a look. Especially the first 3
Muse has a variety of genres of music among their discography. My favourites are earlier on but you may find some vibes in there that are to your liking.
It is pretty crazy people were able to figure that all out and we are able obtain crazy detailed pictures without radiation.
No I haven’t seen it! Hoping to see a controlled quench someday but also hoping to avoid needing to use it in any emergency situations; it’ll have to be a damn near life/death situation to hit that button. Very costly decision. I guess there’s also a dwindling supply of helium in the world so that could get interesting as time goes on.
I’m not sure if another game killed Halo so much as it imploded on itself, sadly. Maybe whatever game made the open world blueprint popular? But honestly, Guardians wasn’t great either and it wasn’t open world.
I think it’s more the culture of gaming now a days than anything. Everyone likes the free to play mulitplayer shit, or did and companies won’t let it go. A solid campaign goes to the wayside when they have to concentrate on the multiplayer to rake in the $$$. Halo had the best of both worlds, and now it has nothing, it really lost it’s spark.
That said I still enjoyed Guardians more than Infinite, just needed more Chief. Infinite went a little too off the Halo rails.
But I guess that’s how most things end up in the end. Hold onto the great memories.
It’s science-y enough but I’m definitely not considered a scientist so much as a technologist. I work as a MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) Technologist. Previously a X-Ray Technologist.
My machine does all the science for me but it’s a pretty neat concept. Using magnetic gradients and RF pulses at hydrogen protons to acquire accurate digital imaging.
Old habits die hard. Getting used to the more inclusive, positive environment. It feels weird…and warm.
I gotta ask, after seeing your name a few times now. Is it literally just from the animal or is it an Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood reference? Or something else?
Love the simplicity in a lot of the usernames early on.
I really think this is what the solution can be boiled down to for a lot of people. The rat race just to survive (not even thrive) is killer on the mood, where you feel like you are headed towards existentially, and utterly depletes the energy.
Why even bother trying to pursue things we actually enjoy? Or find out what we do enjoy? Too tired from work. Don’t want to leave the house again if I can help it. It costs so much to do anything. Honestly, if I didn’t end up having some decent people to hang out with at work I wouldn’t have anyone close by. It’s ridiculous.